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Setting up a Mac for Development

CJ R. on August 01, 2022

I recently (July 2022) wiped and reloaded my MacBook Pro with macOS Monterey. I documented my process and the tools / apps / settings I use on a da...
dromerodev85 profile image
Diego Romero

I recommend Raycast, alternative for Alfred, Rectangle, Clipboard Manager, etc. All in one

jakecarpenter profile image
Jake Carpenter

+1 for Raycast. At this point, I manage Docker containers from it, use it to trigger my screenshots and screen recordings, search 1Password items, and navigate Jira.

moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

Where you use keepingyouawake I use amphetamine. I imagine they're fairly similar.

I also use barrier so I can use the mouse and keyboard on my proper computer to control the Mac just by moving my mouse to its screen.

eljayadobe profile image

I <3 Barrier.

receter profile image
Andreas Riedmüller

I can recommend Flycut (Clipboard manager), the best I found so far. Text only and simple/fast to use.

As a notetaking app I used to have nvAlt and switched to IA Writer which is also quite ok. On the phone I use 1Writer with the same Dropbox folder.

bubster profile image

Clipy is also very nice. Very straight forward in usage and clean UI

ishan_parlikar profile image
Ishan Parlikar

You can also check maccy. Install with brew

riklempens profile image
Rik Lempens • Edited

Thanks for this article!

For keepingyouawake you can also use the builtin command caffeinate

You can use the following command line options:

-d  -- prevent display sleep
-i  -- prevent system idle sleep
-m  -- prevent disk idle sleep
-s  -- prevent system sleep (AC power only)
-t  -- specify assertion timeout value
-u  -- declare that user is active
-w  -- wait for specified PID
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
affinage profile image

OMG! thank you, thank you, thank you for the itsycal! i was using Day-O, but i was sooooo lacking of calendar events support.

alco profile image
Jakub Stibůrek

As a better Mac terminal I can recommend Warp. Still in beta but very cool. Great article btw.

nirmalsinghoo7 profile image
Nirmal Singh

Instead of Inkspace vector space, I used Vectornator. one of the best app.

eshimischi profile image

Brew install starship - customizable prompt for any shell

moonseeker profile image
Moon Seeker

Interesting. After a life-long usage of Windows, my daily driver is now a Mac (work policy). I had no idea where to start.


yongchanghe profile image
Yongchang He

Thank you for sharing this!

andrewbaisden profile image
Andrew Baisden
codenameone profile image
Shai Almog

I used to automatically go for bash too out of pure inertia... Then I discovered fish. It's an amazing shell. Highly recommended.