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Currying in JS 🤠

Marcos Henrique on December 29, 2019

Cooking with javascript? What? 🤷‍♂️ Currying is a technique, where a function takes several parameters as input and returns a function ...
aminnairi profile image
Amin • Edited

Hi there and thanks for your article!

In my opinion, this article deserves a little bit more explanations, especially the usefulness of using curried functions.

If I start from your example.

const isDivisible = divider => number => !(number % divider);

console.log(isDivisible(2)(40)); // true
console.log(isDivisible(2)(33)); // false
console.log(isDivisible(3)(40)); // false
console.log(isDivisible(3)(33)); // true
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Even though you have successfully curried your function, we can see that the 2 & 3 parameters could have been reused. Now if I take this example.

const isDivisible = divider => number => !(number % divider);

console.log(isDivisible(2)(40)); // true
console.log(isDivisible(2)(33)); // false
console.log(isDivisible(2)(29)); // false
console.log(isDivisible(2)(26)); // true
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We can see that I'm repeating the 2 a lot. What is great about curried functions is that they can be used to compose higher order functions (a higher order function is a function that either takes a function as parameter or returns a new one), and so helping us reuse some parameters that are commons accross function calls.

const isDivisible = divider => number => !(number % divider);
const isDivisibleByTwo = isDivisible(2);

console.log(isDivisibleByTwo(40)); // true
console.log(isDivisibleByTwo(33)); // false
console.log(isDivisibleByTwo(26)); // true
console.log(isDivisibleByTwo(39)); // false
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And this is, in my opinion, what makes currying so powerful. Composing functions helps you decrease the needs for repeating common parts of your application.

lbayliss profile image
Luke Bayliss

This is what I was expecting to read!

wakeupmh profile image
Marcos Henrique

Thanks for the explanation,I tried to introduce the characteristic of flexibility, although this approach that you said was the most common as to the power of currying.

fjones profile image
FJones • Edited

Another (arguably more important in practical use) aspect of currying is that enforcing a single argument to the final produced function allows for greater automation in the evaluation.

Consider nested function calls or array operations. While currying is less about minimizing side effects (nothing prevents the curried functions from being stateful - in fact one might argue that currying can encourage stateful functions), it is certainly more aligned with a functional paradigm to write, say arr.filter(isDivisibleByTwo) over arr.filter((v) => isDivisible(2, v)).

gypsydave5 profile image
David Wickes


Write a function that curries a function. It should take a function as an argument, and return the curried version.


Now write a function that uncurries a function.

aminnairi profile image
"use strict";

 * Curry a function of any arity
 * @param {Function} callable
 * @param {unknown[]=} [] initialParameters
 * @return {Function}
function curry(callable, ...initialParameters) {
    return function(...additionalParameters) {
        const parameters = [...initialParameters, ...additionalParameters];

        if (parameters.length >= callable.length) {
            return callable(...parameters);

        return curry(callable, ...parameters);

 * Uncurry a function of any arity
 * @param {Function} curriedFunction
 * @return {Function}
function uncurry(curriedFunction) {
    return function(...parameters) {
        return parameters.reduce(function(next, value) {
            return next(value);
        }, curriedFunction);

const add = curry((x, y) => x + y);
const increment = add(1);

console.log(add);           // [Function]
console.log(increment);     // [Function]
console.log(add(1, 2));     // 3
console.log(increment(2));  // 3

const $add = uncurry(add);

console.log($add);          // [Function]
console.log($add(1, 2));    // 3
pnu profile image
Panu Ervamaa • Edited
const curry = (fn, ...args) =>
  args.length >= fn.length
    ? fn(...args)
    : (...x) => curry(fn, ...args, ...x);

const uncurry = (fn) => (...args) =>
  args.reduce((fn, arg) => fn(arg), fn);

const mul = (a, b) => a * b;
const curriedMul = curry(mul);
const mulBySeven = curriedMul(7);
const uncurriedMul = uncurry(curriedMul);

console.log(curriedMul(2)(3));    // 6
console.log(mulBySeven(11));      // 77
console.log(uncurriedMul(5, 7));  // 35
kmwill23 profile image

Neat concept, but the readability on it is a bit questionable.

arthurbarbero profile image
Arthur Barbero

Incrível!!! Awesome, I didn't know that the arrow function could return other arrow function!

rolandcsibrei profile image
Roland Csibrei


wakeupmh profile image
Marcos Henrique

Yeah, it's a technique, but why this isn't about minimizing side effects?