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Mercy wanyonyi
Mercy wanyonyi

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Ultimate Python Beginner's Guide.

Everything you need to write your first python code.

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Looking at lines of code as a begginer can really scare one off into thinking that programing is hard. Truth is it's neither here or there. Programing is simply the process of converting High-level language, that is easily understood by a human, to a low-level language that a computer can execute.

The good news is that Python is very easy to learn of most of the languages. Even a child can code in python. Apart from that, it has a lot of applications that you might find interesting. In this article, we will learn all the basic concepts of Python in a very simple way that will help you write your first code!

Advantages of Python

First of all you may want to know some advantages of Python:

  1. It can work on differnt platforms, ie Wimdoss, Mac, Pi Linux ect.
  2. It is object oriented
  3. It has a lot of libraries
  4. it has a wide range of application
  5. It is easy to use,

Applications of Python

You can apply Python in areas like;

  • Web Development

  • AI and Machine Learning

  • Game development

  • Data Science

  • Audiou and Visual applications

  • Software Development

Getting Started

You first need to set up a working environment for Python by following the steps below;

1.Download and install Python from their page. Make sure you dowmload a version that is compatible with your OS.

2.Choose a code editor that you will work with and install it. I recommend using Visual Studio Code. You can download it here.

3.Confirm whether your python is installed by typing the code below on your Command Prompt.

python --version
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Basics of Python


Variables store information that can be used in one's program. In technical terms, the variable is a memory location assigned some value called a literal. For instance

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In a=5 a is the varible ,5 is the literal while in b= "Mathew" b is the variable, Mathew is the literal

Data Types

In the example above, there are two types of data used, that is an integer 5, which is a whole number and a string "Mathew".
In python we have several data types;

  • Numbers

Integers: Whole numbers 1,3,5,20

Float: Numbers with decimals 0.5, 45.6

Complex : Numbers with Imaginery parts 2+ 5i

  • String

A string is an immutable collection of alphabets, characters or words usually denoted with either double or single quotation marks.

a= "python"

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  • Boolean

There are two boolean values, True and False. They are used to show the truth values of an expression in a code.
For example

  Print (b>a)

>>> False
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These are names assigned to a variable, class, function or module in python.
NB. Identifiers are case sensitive.

Amount= 122
name= "Mwaviki"
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Amount and name are identifiyers in the example above.

Data Structures

These are specific ways in which data is organized in a block of code for effective operations. We have;

  • Lists

A list in python is a group of items in [] separated by commas ,. One can manitpulate the list by adding, removing or displaying specific items on the list using the commands shown below.

MyList= [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]

#Adding to the beginning of thelist
MyList[0]= 0                         OUTPUT 
#Adding at the end
MyList.append(8)                      OUTPUT
#Removing an item
MyList.remove(3)                       OUTPUT

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  • Tuples

These are ordered 'immutable lists'. The contents are inside a () unlike in a list[]. With Tuples, one can only display items or delete the whole tuple.

MyTuple= (" Joy"," Grace","Jon"," Macy")
  Print (MyTuple[0:2])


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  • Sets

In Python a set is an unordered and unchangable collection of data. It can contain several items repreating themselves but will be omitted on printing the set. The items are enclosed in a {}

Myset= {20,20,35,50,45,80,50,95}

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NB: One can add or remove items from a set.

  • Dictionary

Dictionaries are used to store data values which are paired with key values as shown below


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  • Arithmetic

Addition 2+5___________7

Substruction 3-1
____________ 2
Multiplication 2*3_____________6
Division 10/5
Exponential 2**3
Floor division 11//4
Modulous 11%5

Assignment: Used to assign values to variables. They include:
= 5=5
+= x+=3_______________ x+3
-= x-=2_______________ x-2
*= x*=3_______________x*3
/= x/=1_______________x/1
**= x**=2______________ x**2
//= x//=4______________x//4

Comparison: used to compare values
<____________less than
_________greater than
________greater or equal to
________less than or equal to
___________ same/equals ro
!=______________ not same/equal to

Bitwise:Used to write numbers in binary
_____________ a<<b shit bits of a to the left by b bits

_____________a>>b shift bits of a to the right by b units

Identity: used to determine whether two objects are the same.
is, is not

Logical: Used to combine conditional statements.


There are two types of functions in Python

  • Built-in Functions These are functions that aready exist in Python and have a specific purpose. There are more that 50 built in functions with the mostly used beind such as Print,Input etc.
Print("Hello World")

Hello World

name= Input(" What is your name?: )
Print("Hi {name}")

What is your age?: John(as an input) 
Hi John

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  • Calling a function

Other functions in python are a block of code that runs only when called upon. To define a function one starts with def functionname followed with parameters in the function (parameters) as shown in the example below.
A function must return some results whenever is called upon.

#The function has nothing to return
def MyFunc()

#Function is called  

def My2Func() 
  Print( "This is my function")

#Function is called

This is my function

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You can write comments in your code to help you organise your work in two ways. Comments would be skipped when the code is being run.

  • Single line comment: putting a # before the line

#this is my comments

Block comment: Using three double quotation make at the start and end of code

"""a= "Commenting a block of code"
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  1. Loops and Condition statements
  • For loops This loop is used to iterate over a sequence once for an item according the the set statements. For instance
Numb= [1,5,10,]
For x in Numb
 Print (X)


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  • While loop This loop is will run the set statements until a certain condition is met.

While n <= 10
  Print (n)


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  • If statement

If a>b
  Print ("a is greater than b")

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  • If...else
a= "Rain"

If a
 print ("Stay")

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  • elif

If the prevision condition is not met then move to the next one.


if b>a
  print ("b is greater than a")
elif b<a
  print ("b is less than a")

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By now you shoul be able to write your first Python Code and so much more. You can go through the PEP-8 guide to get more guidance on how best to write your python code.

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