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Waylon Walker
Waylon Walker

Posted on • Originally published at

Get Python docstring with ast

Getting docstrings from python's ast is far simpler and more reliable than any method of regex or brute force searching. It's also much less intimidating than I originally thought.


First you need to load in some python code as a string, and parse it with
ast.parse. This gives you a tree like object, like an html dom.

py_file = Path("plugins/") raw_tree = py_file.read_text() tree = ast.parse(raw_tree)
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Getting the Docstring

You can then use ast.get_docstring to get the docstring of the node you are currently looking at. In the case of freshly loading in a file, this will be the module level doctring that is at the very top of a file.

module_docstring = ast.get_docstring(tree)
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Walking for all functions

To get all of the functions docstrings we can use ast.walk to look for nodes that are an instance of ast.FunctionDef, then run get_docstring on those nodes.

functions = [f for f in ast.walk(tree) if isinstance(f, ast.FunctionDef)] function_docs = [ast.get_docstring(f) for f in functions]
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ast.walk docs: Recursively yield all descendant nodes in the tree starting at node
(including node itself), in no specified order. This is useful if you
only want to modify nodes in place and don't care about the context.


Here is an image of me running this example through ipython.

getting docstrings from the ast in python

Top comments (3)

mccurcio profile image
Matt Curcio

Hey Waylon, I have been following your posts for a while and have a question for you.
I talked to a buddy of mine who does Bioinfomatics and he told me that object oriented programming is not needed for data science. ie. don't spend too much time on it...
Q. What's your take on this?

waylonwalker profile image
Waylon Walker

Do you need to know how to make your own classes? probably not. Do you need to create your own instances of objects and call methods on them? absolutely, that is what pandas is all about. Using OOP is much simpler than creating all your own custom classes, so the depth you NEED is failrly minimal.

mccurcio profile image
Matt Curcio

Thanks I appreciate it.