DEV Community

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DAILY COMMUNITY: A New Social Network Every Single Day!

In today’s digital landscape, social networks have transformed how we connect, communicate, and collaborate. Yet, there’s something missing. What if there was a platform tailored specifically for every unique community? Whether you’re passionate about anti-bullying campaigns, coffee enthusiasts, local political parties, or even niche hobbies like birdwatching—Linkspreed is here to fill the gap.

Introducing a Bold New Era: A Community Network Every Single Day

Starting now, Linkspreed is taking a groundbreaking leap into the future of Web4 technology by launching one new community network every single day. Yes, you read that right—every single day, we’re bringing people together by building a new, niche social platform that caters to specific interests, big or small. And we’re doing it for free.

This isn’t your typical social network where moderation and content control are dictated from a corporate tower. Instead, we’re handing over the keys to YOU. Once we build the platform, we release it on Web4 Explore—a feature within our system where users can discover the latest and greatest niche communities we’ve developed. Each platform we create is then handed over to passionate moderators who wish to lead these new digital hubs. We build the structure, you take the steering wheel.

Want to request a community for your niche? It’s simple: you can either have it completely free or opt for a paid, customized experience with or without advertisements. We’re giving everyone the opportunity to shape the future of online communities with Linkspreed and Web4.

Explore what we’re doing at and start building your next community!

Web4: The Future of Social Networks is Here

So, what exactly is Web4? It’s the next evolution of the internet—a decentralized, more secure, and community-driven web. Unlike Web3, which focused on blockchain and finance, Web4 emphasizes social connections, collaboration, and ownership of community spaces. With Web4, users don’t just participate in communities, they help build and shape them. Communities can run independently of any centralized entity, fostering real ownership and engagement.

Linkspreed has positioned itself as a leader in this movement. By leveraging Web4, we’re making it easier than ever to build and manage niche social networks tailored to the exact needs of specific groups, whether they’re local city enthusiasts, hobbyists, or social movements.

Web4 Lite: Open-Source for the Pioneers of Tomorrow

But that’s not all. We’re not just stopping at building platforms for communities; we’re also making our technology open-source with the release of Web4 Lite. Web4 Lite is our streamlined, open-source version of Web4 that allows developers and innovators to experiment, build, and create their own decentralized social networks. Released under the Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 license, Web4 Lite empowers developers to push the boundaries of what’s possible, while making sure they have the tools to create social networks that prioritize privacy, security, and community ownership.

Check out more about Web4 and Web4 Lite at—you can find everything from our vision to the technology stack, and how to get started on building your own decentralized future.

How It Works: Create, Explore, and Lead Your Own Community

What makes Linkspreed unique is the flexibility we offer. Here’s how the process works:

  1. Daily Launches: Every day, we build a new community network tailored to a specific niche or interest. Whether it’s about anti-bullying, your favorite TV show, or a regional food appreciation group, no interest is too small.

  2. Web4 Explore: Once built, the platform is added to Web4 Explore, where people can discover and apply to be community moderators. These moderators are then handed the reins, giving them the ability to shape the rules, content, and direction of the community.

  3. Your Choice: Don’t see a community that fits your needs? Simply request one! You can choose between a free platform or a premium version that allows for further customization—whether it’s adding or removing advertisements, choosing special features, or integrating with other platforms. This flexibility means your community is truly your own.

  4. Moderation Freedom: We don’t moderate these networks ourselves. Instead, we trust the community to manage their own spaces. By giving users this level of control, we’re empowering real digital communities that operate independently of the typical top-down model you see in most social networks today.

Ready to bring your community together? Request your custom-built platform today!

Be Part of the Future: The Opportunities are Endless

The opportunities we’re offering are unlike anything the digital world has seen before. By creating a community every single day, we’re putting the power back in the hands of the users. Imagine the potential: social networks dedicated to mental health support, platforms for local community governance, spaces for artists to collaborate without interference from corporate algorithms. The possibilities are endless, and with Linkspreed and Web4, those possibilities are now a reality.

This isn’t just about making another social network. It’s about fostering connection in the truest sense of the word. We believe that communities thrive when they are created by the people who are most passionate about them. By handing over the platform to moderators, we’re enabling these communities to grow organically, without interference or top-down control.

Start Your Journey with Linkspreed and Web4 Today

We are excited to be at the forefront of this digital revolution, and we want you to be part of it. Whether you’re an individual looking for a space to connect with like-minded people or an organization needing a bespoke social network, Linkspreed is your solution.

Join the movement today and be part of the Web4 revolution. Visit and explore to learn more about our mission, request your community platform, or get involved in the open-source development of Web4 Lite.

We’re building the future of communities, every single day—and we want you to be part of it.

Connect. Build. Lead. With Linkspreed and Web4.

By making community-building accessible, customizable, and open to everyone, Linkspreed is shaping the next generation of social networks. Come join us and create the future of the web, one niche community at a time.

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