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Font Awesome guide and useful tricks you might not know about.

Patrik Kiss on December 21, 2019

Many of you have probably at least heard about Font Awesome, or maybe even use it on daily basis. But in case you don't know about it, Font Awesom...
poteirard profile image
Gerard Brull β€’

Great list. I didn't know they had these features πŸ‘πŸ‘ Does anyone know if there is a way to make them accessible?

adrianolupossa profile image
Adriano Lupossa β€’

To make than accessible you can add an alternative text with span and add some class that makes visible only to screen readers

sanjayism profile image
sanjayism β€’

Hi, I am double of your age, still learning web development but not in right way...
Your article is awesome and helpful.. I will use in my learning work..and inform you after that..

rohansawant profile image
Rohan Sawant β€’

Whooa! I only knew about animating and resizing!

Shared! πŸ”₯

cristinaruth profile image
Cristina Ruth β€’

Patrik, great article! Thanks for putting this together and for laying it out so concisely and in an easy-to-understand format. πŸ™‚

shaunguimond profile image
Shaun Guimond β€’

This is great, thank you for sharing πŸ˜€

mihirkumarthakur profile image
Mihir Kumar Thakur β€’

Great, Thank You

jnystromdesign profile image
Joakim Nystrom β€’

Nice post! Wasn't aware of all the cool stuff the JS implementations lets you do.

louisefindlay23 profile image
Louise β€’

Wow, I didn't know about these. I especially love the text in an icon.

gentlyawesome profile image
Arc Angelo Ibalio β€’

Awesome! I love adding a badge to the icon like a notification. This is a gem.

reythedev profile image
Rey van den Berg β€’

Great article! Straight to the point and very helpful! Thanks :)

herquiloidehele profile image
Herquiloide Hele β€’

Great post

nguyenquangtin profile image
Tony Tin Nguyen β€’

Great post, thank you Kiss Patrik.

castroalves profile image
Cadu de Castro Alves β€’

Wow! Thanks for sharing this! β™₯️

junlow profile image
jun β€’

It's awesome! Thanks for sharing!

vletierce profile image
vletierce β€’

Vefy good quick guide! Thanks

ingcarlostello profile image
Carlos Tello β€’

Wuaoo what a nice tricks

keeran_raaj profile image
Raj Kiran Chaudhary β€’

Great article Patrik..... I didn't know these tricks though I was using FA for a long time.

luckytuvshee profile image
LuckyTuvshee β€’

Wow it's mind blowing xD
Thanks for sharing,

elmuerte profile image
Michiel Hendriks β€’

Duotone icons are just a fad.

logeshpalani30 profile image
Logesh Palani β€’

Great Article man

aboudard profile image
Alain Boudard β€’

Awesome liste so to speak 😎
Really helpful.

sally077 profile image
Sally077 β€’

Thank you for this!