Ever since I was a kid, I have loved pink. Maybe in that sense I was one of those "stereotypical" girls. But at the same time I liked technology, p...
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✌️Been using the fairy floss complete VS Code theme in meetings since I found it through the compute cuter site. The pink hair was surprisingly the favorite of my coworkers out of the 4 or so hair colors I had in my last role. 🤔
Share pics of your new setup when it's ready! I'm always jealous of pretty cases with lights. 😭
I also found the #coderclaws hashtag on twitter and want to get some really cute nails again. 👀
Ooh that sounds amazing! I actually did a Cute PC Accessories blog post here on dev, where I show some of the cute/pink products I have :) I'm still planning on getting an electric table, but after that maybe I could do a blog post where I show my setup and tell how I build it.
I need to check that hashtag! Sounds nice, I just painted my nails for the first time i a while yesterday
Hi all! I love pink, too, and colors in general! I'm an old white man married to a woman, by the way. I still love pink! As a web developer, I have created Cute Pink Light Theme for PhpStorm (and all other JetBrains IDEA IDE's) inspired by Webfreak's Cute Pink Light Theme for VSCode.
That's awesome!
We need all voices in software development. Keep on writing software your way and keep on writing about it too. Let's inspire a new generation of coders of every gender and every background.
Coding is for everyone who wants to. I like black and deep purple, fwiw :)
Thank you so much! Yes, let's make technology more inclusive to everyone! :) Black and deep purple are a great combo in my opinion!
I agree! I had never heard of that website before, but I think it's a great idea! Maybe I could do a blog post where I list all the cute and useful tech things that I have found! :)
And rose gold MacBook Pro would be amazing!
I'm a boy who likes black and blue. Always have. I like them because they are dark and plain. They are about the only colours which suit me properly.
I've never been ashamed of it. Never tried to hide it. And never wanted to change to fit in. I don't see why I should.
I let my work speak for itself and don't let any potential criticism of stereotyping by my choices get in my way. I'd also not let it be a barrier to my team being happy. That said, I'm senior enough to do something about it in my company if that did happen
Yes I agree! Unfortunately girly colors (and being girly/feminine) can still be seen as something that's not serious. But when more and more people of any gender keep wearing and liking what ever colors they happen to like, maybe these stupid stereotypes could be faded eventually!
Hey i encourage you to be yourself, especially if we are not talking about genders here.
Every metalhead would want to meet a girl who also likes metal. Nobody wants a world without women, right?
You can wear black, pink, or both, whatever you want. It is true that perception can be manipulated - so if you want to appear more serious - do wear darker colors. If you want to appear friendly, cheerful, playful, and happy - wear lighter clothes. Sometimes you must do that at work so people have more respect - it is just how people perceive things usually. If they are used to darker tones at meetings, so be it, just put on a black leather jacket during a meeting if you fancy that.
Also if you're designing stuff and you chose colors - it is not about you, it is about the product, it is about what the client wants, so it doesn't matter which color you prefer yourself.
Id love to have you as a colleague. Don't hold back, just be smart and know when to do what :)
Thank you for your reply! That is exactly my point: I hate it that some colors are seen as not "professional" or that some colors make people have more respect towards you. It's just insane! I do think that of course one should dress up accordingly (formal vs casual in different situations) but the color one is wearing shouldn't really matter if you are not in funeral or wedding or something like that :) So yes, for now I probably will keep wearing black in a meeting room, but when I have gotten more senior and don't need to spend as much energy proving my worth (this would actually make another great blog post), I could wear as girly clothes as I wish and hopefully world will be one step forward and not seeing girly/feminine traits as weak or silly :)
And yeah obviously when designing something for someone else, you will put aside what you want and do what suits the client and their brand. Though I can't pretend I would know much about that since my design skills are more in the "engineer looking design" style :D