DEV Community

Why You Should Stop Being Scared To Write A Blog Post.

Will Johnson on May 23, 2020

Blogging is one of the best ways to share with other people something you learned. One thing I always hear people say when I tell them to blog is t...
redeving profile image
Kelvin Thompson • Edited

Based on my own recent foray into blogging, I agree 100%. My very first post here on Dev I originally took down. What made me put it back up was, One person was having a similar issue, one I thought was just me stuck-on-stupid, and asked me to repost it. Unexpected! Freaked me out a bit to be honest. In my not too far past I used to joke that "Who would be interested in my crap, even I'm not interested in listening to me!"

Well, that One person was, and my 'travels through the problem' appears to have helped them. Who would have thought? I'm just glad I could give back a little for what I've received over the decades from the community.

I've found that this Dev community is very nurturing, especially for new arrivals. It helped cement my decision to get my own domain and proceed. Doesn't matter if you do it for your own notes for the future, as many do (one of my reasons), or whatever.

Just do it. Nobody Has to read anything you write if you do it for you. But you will be amazed at how many will eventually. Smile and move forward, the universe is a funny duck. 🤓


Edit: spelling.

willjohnsonio profile image
Will Johnson

Exactly Kelvin! Thank you for sharing that

wrldwzrd89 profile image
Eric Ahnell

The biggest problem for me isn't fear of publishing... it's a lack of a blog to publish it on.

5422m4n profile image
Sven Kanoldt

The easiest thing to start with is write here or even in a blank GitHub repo with some markdown files.

willjohnsonio profile image
Will Johnson

Have you tried publishing right here?

wrldwzrd89 profile image
Eric Ahnell

Yes. Didn’t realize this counted!

planavsky82 profile image
Anthony Planavsky

This post is so good. You could apply the message to anything in life. Just an inspiring perspective.

willjohnsonio profile image
Will Johnson

Thank you Anthony

thecodepixi profile image
Emmy | Pixi

I really appreciate you will. I wrote a blog the other day about my new MacBook Pro setup. I expected it to not be seen and had a literal panic attack thinking about how many people out there would be judging me for that post. It's not my most viewed and active post ever and has had really good kind responses. Now I'm just gonna blog about whatever I want whenever the mood strikes me. No more blog anxiety. Just write the damn thing.

willjohnsonio profile image
Will Johnson

Yes! I don't know why we do this to ourselves! lol

willjohnsonio profile image
Will Johnson

Thanks Angello!

kapil0527 profile image

Great article Will. I am also one of them who has fear for blogging. your article is helpful for me. I will definitely publish blog here. Thanks!!

willjohnsonio profile image
Will Johnson

Cool let me know when it’s live

5422m4n profile image
Sven Kanoldt

Thanks for sharing, it’s always humbling to figure out others share the same fears and struggles than oneself.

willjohnsonio profile image
Will Johnson

Thanks Sven! We all go through the same things and I’m glad I can help others overcome their situations