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Wilson Juma
Wilson Juma

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Mastering Java: Roadmap to Complete Mastery

Java Roadmap **
|-- **Fundamentals

| |-- Basics of Programming
| | |-- Introduction to Java
| | |-- Java Development Kit (JDK) and Java Runtime Environment (JRE)
| | |-- Setting Up Development Environment (IDE: IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse, etc.)
| |
| |-- Syntax and Structure
| | |-- Basic Syntax
| | |-- Variables and Data Types
| | |-- Operators and Expressions
|-- Control Structures
| |-- Conditional Statements
| | |-- If-Else Statements
| | |-- Switch Case
| |
| |-- Loops
| | |-- For Loop
| | |-- While Loop
| | |-- Do-While Loop
| |
| |-- Exception Handling
| | |-- Try-Catch Block
| | |-- Finally Block
| | |-- Throw and Throws Keywords
|-- Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
| |-- Basics of OOP
| | |-- Classes and Objects
| | |-- Methods and Constructors
| |
| |-- Inheritance
| | |-- Single and Multiple Inheritance
| | |-- Method Overriding
| | |-- Super Keyword
| |
| |-- Polymorphism
| | |-- Method Overloading
| | |-- Runtime Polymorphism
| | |-- Dynamic Method Dispatch
| |
| |-- Encapsulation
| | |-- Access Modifiers (Public, Private, Protected)
| | |-- Getters and Setters
| | |-- Data Hiding
| |
| |-- Abstraction
| | |-- Abstract Classes
| | |-- Interfaces
|-- Advanced Java
| |-- Collections Framework
| | |-- List (ArrayList, LinkedList)
| | |-- Set (HashSet, TreeSet)
| | |-- Map (HashMap, TreeMap)
| | |-- Queue (PriorityQueue, LinkedList)
| |
| |-- Concurrency
| | |-- Multithreading (Creating Threads, Thread Lifecycle)
| | |-- Synchronization
| | |-- Concurrency Utilities (Executors Framework, Callable and Future, Locks and Semaphores)
|-- Java Standard Libraries
| |-- I/O Streams
| | |-- File Handling (File Class, Reading and Writing Files)
| | |-- Streams (Byte Streams, Character Streams, Buffered Streams)
| |
| |-- Networking
| | |-- Sockets (TCP and UDP, Socket and ServerSocket Classes)
| | |-- URL and HTTP (URL Class, HttpURLConnection)
| |
| |-- JDBC
| | |-- Database Connectivity (JDBC Drivers, Connection, Statement, and ResultSet)
| | |-- PreparedStatement and CallableStatement
|-- Java Frameworks
| |-- Spring Framework
| | |-- Spring Core (Dependency Injection, Inversion of Control)
| | |-- Spring MVC (Model-View-Controller Architecture)
| | |-- Spring Boot (Creating Spring Boot Applications, Starters and Auto-Configuration, Actuator)
| |
| |-- Hibernate
| | |-- ORM Basics (Introduction to ORM, Configuration and Mapping)
| | |-- Advanced Hibernate (Caching, Transactions and Concurrency, Criteria API)
|-- Web Development with Java
| |-- Java EE (Jakarta EE)
| | |-- Servlets (Lifecycle, Handling HTTP Requests and Responses, Session Management)
| | |-- JavaServer Pages (JSP) (Syntax, Directives, JSTL and Custom Tags, Expression Language)
| |
| |-- RESTful Web Services
| | |-- JAX-RS (Creating RESTful Services, Annotations and HTTP Methods, Consuming RESTful Services)
|-- Build Tools and Dependency Management
| |-- Maven
| | |-- Project Object Model (POM), Dependencies, Repositories, Build Lifecycle and Plugins
| |
| |-- Gradle
| | |-- Build Scripts, Dependency Management, Task Automation
|-- Testing in Java
| |-- Unit Testing
| | |-- JUnit (Annotations, Assertions, Test Suites and Runners)
| |
| |-- Mockito (Creating Mocks and Spies and Verification)
| |
| |-- Integration Testing
| | |-- Spring Test (Testing Spring Components and WebTestClient)
|-- Deployment and DevOps
| |-- Containers and Microservices
| | |-- Docker (Dockerfile, Image Creation, Container Management)
| | |-- Kubernetes (Pods, Services, Deployments, Managing Java Applications on Kubernetes)

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Top comments (1)

trplx_gaming profile image
Gabriel Ibe

Nice clear and concise roadmap, would appreciate it if it has links to tutorials and resources (most especially projects)

Try to give a roadmap and checkpoint projects to actually implement what we've learnt

Check out this website for inspiration in case of future implementation of my suggestion 😊