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Harshit Singh
Harshit Singh

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Ultimate Guide to the Best Resources, Books, and Problems for DSA Mastery: "Which I Personally Use."

So, you’ve got the basics of Data Structures and Algorithms down, and you’ve started practicing on paper. But now you’re wondering: “What’s the next step? How do I keep leveling up?” Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered with the ultimate resource guide, a problem list, and a step-by-step approach to using these resources for maximum impact!

Why These Resources?

When it comes to DSA, the internet is overflowing with tutorials, guides, books, and problem-solving platforms. But not all resources are created equal. You need the best resources to make real progress, and I’m here to help you pick the right ones. These resources are chosen for their:

  • Comprehensive coverage of DSA concepts.
  • Real-world problem-solving approach.
  • Clarity and structure for easy learning.
  • Relevance to coding interviews at top companies.

And yes, I’ve included some of my personal favorites for an added boost!

Best Resources for Learning DSA

1. Books

1. "Introduction to Algorithms" by Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, and Stein (CLRS)

  • Fourth Edition PDF
  • Third Edition PDF

  • Why it’s great: It’s the holy grail of algorithms. Deep and comprehensive.

  • How to use it: Perfect for detailed study, but don’t try to read it cover-to-cover. Use it for reference while solving specific problems.

2. "Data Structures and Algorithms Made Easy" by Narasimha Karumanchi

3. "The Algorithm Design Manual" by Steven Skiena

  • Book PDF

  • Why it’s great: Real-life problem-solving advice with lots of interview tips.

  • How to use it: Focus on the problem-solving chapters for practical insights.

4. "Cracking the Coding Interview" by Gayle Laakmann McDowell


  • Why it’s great: 189 programming interview questions with solutions.

  • How to use it: Practice coding interviews with the questions in the book.

5. "Elements of Programming Interviews" by Adnan Aziz, Tsung-Hsien Lee, and Amit Prakash

  • Book PDF

  • Why it’s great: Interview-focused with 300 problems categorized by difficulty.

  • How to use it: Tackle the hard problems here once you feel comfortable with the basics.

2. Websites for Learning & Practicing

1. LeetCode

  • Why it’s great: Over 2,000 problems, categorized by company (Google, Amazon, etc.) and difficulty (easy, medium, hard).
  • How to use it: Start with the Top 100 Interview Questions and filter problems by company.

2. HackerRank

  • Why it’s great: Structured tutorials and problems from easy to advanced.
  • How to use it: Follow the tutorials to understand new concepts, then jump into problem-solving.

3. Codeforces

  • Why it’s great: Competitive programming platform with regular contests.
  • How to use it: Great for improving speed and thinking under pressure.

4. GeeksforGeeks

  • Why it’s great: Explanation of almost every DSA concept with code snippets.
  • How to use it: Refer to this site for understanding new concepts and learning their implementation.

5. InterviewBit

  • Why it’s great: Interview-focused practice with a focus on time/space complexities.
  • How to use it: Practice company-specific problems for tech interviews.

6. AlgoExpert

  • Why it’s great: Paid resource with high-quality video explanations for problems.
  • How to use it: Ideal if you want in-depth explanations for top interview questions.

3. YouTube Channels for Learning DSA

1. Abdul Bari

  • Why it’s great: Simplified DSA explanations in a step-by-step manner.
  • How to use it: Watch videos for a deep understanding of algorithms like Dynamic Programming.

2. Neetcode

  • Why it’s great: Clean explanations with a focus on solving LeetCode problems.
  • How to use it: Ideal for beginners, start by solving problems alongside the videos.

3. TechWithTim

  • Why it’s great: Easy-to-follow DSA tutorials and Python coding.
  • How to use it: Great for those who want to follow a code-along approach.

4. Code with Harry

  • Why it’s great: Hindi explanations, simple to grasp DSA concepts.
  • How to use it: Follow the beginner-friendly DSA series and tutorials.

4. My Personal Recommendations

1. Neetcode’s Roadmap to Interview Preparation

  • Why it’s great: It's designed to level-up your skills gradually. It's also free!

2. Coderbyte

  • Why it’s great: Good mix of challenges with explanations.
  • How to use it: Practice medium-to-hard-level problems and refer to the solutions for better understanding.

3. Daily Coding Problem

  • Why it’s great: They send one problem a day via email with a detailed solution.
  • How to use it: Solve problems daily to keep your skills sharp and learn new techniques.

How to Use These Resources for Best Results

Step 1: Start Small

  • Begin with GeeksforGeeks or Abdul Bari’s YouTube tutorials for easy-to-follow introductions.
  • Pair this with HackerRank or LeetCode’s easy problems to apply what you’ve learned.

Step 2: Build Consistency

  • Practice at least 1-2 problems daily on LeetCode or InterviewBit.
  • Use Daily Coding Problem to keep a steady stream of new problems in your inbox.

Step 3: Challenge Yourself

  • After mastering the easy and medium problems, start participating in Codeforces or LeetCode contests to improve speed.
  • Push yourself with Elements of Programming Interviews or Cracking the Coding Interview books.

Step 4: Stay Interview Ready

  • Focus on company-specific problems on LeetCode to prepare for specific interviews.
  • Use AlgoExpert or Neetcode’s interview guides to strengthen your weak areas.

Curated Problem List (40-50 Problems from Easy to Hard)

Here’s a list of problems from LeetCode, categorized by difficulty and tagged by the companies that frequently ask them in interviews.

Easy Problems (Foundational Concepts)

Problem Link Company Tags
Two Sum LeetCode Amazon, Google
Reverse Linked List LeetCode Facebook, Amazon
Merge Two Sorted Lists LeetCode Microsoft, Amazon
Valid Parentheses LeetCode Google, Facebook
Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock LeetCode Microsoft, Bloomberg
Intersection of Two Linked Lists LeetCode Amazon, Microsoft
Maximum Subarray LeetCode Google, Amazon
Palindrome Linked List LeetCode Microsoft, Facebook
Climbing Stairs LeetCode Apple, Microsoft
Move Zeroes LeetCode Google, Facebook
Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array LeetCode Microsoft, Amazon
Valid Anagram LeetCode Facebook, Google
Symmetric Tree LeetCode Microsoft, Google
Binary Tree Inorder Traversal LeetCode Amazon, Microsoft
Minimum Depth of Binary Tree LeetCode Google, Microsoft
Pascal's Triangle LeetCode Apple, Amazon
Majority Element LeetCode Facebook, Google

Medium Problems (Building Stronger Understanding)

Problem Link Company Tags
Add Two Numbers LeetCode Apple, Microsoft
Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters LeetCode Google, Amazon
3Sum LeetCode Facebook, Microsoft
Set Matrix Zeroes LeetCode Microsoft, Apple
Group Anagrams LeetCode Amazon, Google
Word Search LeetCode Google, Facebook
Container With Most Water LeetCode Microsoft, Bloomberg
Letter Combinations of a Phone Number LeetCode Google, Amazon
Kth Largest Element in an Array LeetCode Facebook, Microsoft
Course Schedule LeetCode Google, Facebook
Coin Change LeetCode Google, Microsoft
House Robber LeetCode Amazon, Facebook
Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal LeetCode Google, Microsoft
Subsets LeetCode Amazon, Apple
Decode Ways LeetCode Facebook, Google
Unique Paths LeetCode Google, Microsoft
Search in Rotated Sorted Array LeetCode Facebook, Amazon
Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List LeetCode Microsoft, Amazon
Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree LeetCode Facebook, Google

Hard Problems (Master-Level Understanding)

Problem Link Company Tags
Merge k Sorted Lists LeetCode Google, Amazon
Trapping Rain Water LeetCode Facebook, Google
Longest Valid Parentheses LeetCode Amazon, Google
Word Ladder II LeetCode Facebook, Amazon
Edit Distance LeetCode Facebook, Microsoft
Minimum Window Substring LeetCode Google, Facebook
Distinct Subsequences LeetCode Facebook, Microsoft
Regular Expression Matching LeetCode Google, Microsoft
Scramble String LeetCode Facebook, Google
Max Points on a Line LeetCode Microsoft, Apple
Sliding Window Maximum LeetCode Facebook, Google
Wildcard Matching LeetCode Amazon, Microsoft
Largest Rectangle in Histogram LeetCode Facebook, Google
Burst Balloons LeetCode Google, Microsoft
Sudoku Solver LeetCode Facebook, Google

Final Thoughts: My Personal Recommendations

To get the best results:

  1. Follow a structured approach: Books + Platforms + Practice = Success.
  2. Start easy, but don’t shy away from challenging problems.
  3. Always review and learn from your mistakes: Focus on time complexity and space optimization.
  4. When in doubt, check out my personal favorites like Neetcode and AlgoExpert for deeper insights.

Now that you’re armed with the best resources, what’s stopping you? Dive in and start your DSA journey!

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What’s Next?

Share your progress on social media and tag me! I’d love to know how your DSA mastery is going.

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