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Top Google Chrome Extensions For Devs πŸ”₯πŸš€

Lorenzo on March 07, 2021

Top Firefox Extensions For Developers πŸ”₯πŸš€ brandon_wallace ・ Mar 7 '21 Hello wor...
barelyhuman profile image
Reaper β€’

Fonts Ninja another alternative for what font,
also any plugin that can do json formatting.

Or if you don't want a plugin, there's always format

millsoft profile image
Michael M β€’

my fav extension for development:
JSON Formatter
this will format any json output nicely. (eg if you open an API get request in new window)

almenon profile image
Almenon β€’

Chrome has window resizer built-in to the dev tools. It's in the top left as "toggle device toolbar".

Some other extensions I would recommend:

  • Quick Javascript Switcher - quickly turn off javascript on annoying webpages
  • Tampermonkey - lets you write quick scripts to modify webpages. For example I modified reddit to present a initial screen to remind me I should avoid goofing off πŸ˜…
icecoffee profile image
Atulit Anand β€’

Chrome removed my colorzilla the other day, appearently it contains some malicious content.

lorenzoblog profile image
Lorenzo β€’

Are you sure? Is still available in the chrome web store. And even if I did some research "colorzilla removed" / "colorzilla malicious content"... it doesn't give me anything relevant. Do you have any verified source who proves it? Don't hesitate to send me everything you have, I would not like to leave anything dangerous in this article.

icecoffee profile image
Atulit Anand β€’

I verified that myself just after posting that comment and I am afraid that I can't share any reliable proof at the point.
Stay safe

Thread Thread
lorenzoblog profile image
Lorenzo β€’

No problem. Update me if you find something.

lorenzoblog profile image
Lorenzo β€’

I will check

ambartayde profile image
Ambar Tayde β€’

Thanks for the list! I love ColorZilla and Grammarly.

lorenzoblog profile image
Lorenzo β€’

I actively use both, they are very useful.

juanpumpkinpie profile image
juanpumpkinpie β€’

Γ§hwo to write this tab of links ( It's cool )

mayankkalbhor profile image
Mayank K β€’

Having too many extensions doesn't slow the overall computer speed as Chrome runs all these extensions in background?

lorenzoblog profile image
Lorenzo β€’

The entire chrome slows the pc, check the task manager for example (on windows) to see how much. For me just chrome use 4gb of ram (with two users, lots of extensions and lots of tabs). I have a good pc so I can handle this 4gb (I have 16 of ram) but lots of pc have just 4 or 8gb. Even if what takes to most are too much tab opened in the same time, too much extensions can slow the pc, even if chrome is closed.

aalphaindia profile image
Pawan Pawar β€’

Good one!!

lorenzoblog profile image
Lorenzo β€’


dnjosh10 profile image
Dumte Nwidoobee Joshua β€’

Very helpful. In fact I must bookmark this page for further reference

lorenzoblog profile image
Lorenzo β€’


joeesteves profile image
Jose β€’

Vimium is a nice extension to have.

lorenzoblog profile image
Lorenzo β€’

Seem interesting, I added the link in the post

lorenzoblog profile image
Lorenzo β€’
