DEV Community

Discussion on: Stop trying to be so DRY, instead Write Everything Twice (WET)

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Conlin Durbin

While I do think there is more need for DRY principals on the backend, there are many functional languages that do not use OOP at all. Even within OOP languages like Java, premature abstraction can hurt you. Abstracting two classes into a higher order class could cost you if the abstraction is too generalized.

userguest08 profile image

OOD is not OOP first, OOD is general design patterns for software development, you can use OOD in many language that they are not oriented object i.e php...
For abstraction you may right, but also OOD handle that in general matter.
The rule of three that it's similar to your suggestion can apply also with DRY, it seems opposition but DRY doesn't really means DON'T REPEAT THE CODE Like many understand, DRY is DON'T REPEAT YOUR SELF in intelligent manner so when low level piece of code have same sense in one module create abstraction for it.