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How do you stay fit these days? 🥊🏋🏽‍♀️⛹🏿‍♂️🥋💯

Sarthak Sharma on March 17, 2021

For developers, staying fit is as important as learning new skills in the market. Because most of our days we spend sitting at a table, staring at ...
manpreet profile image
Manpreet virk

I go for a Morning Walk 🚶‍♀️and also prefer exercising at home sometimes.

jastuccio profile image

Good old burpees!

mis0u profile image

My nightmare !! It make me think to Insanity #ShaunT

sarthology profile image
Sarthak Sharma

Nice outfit.

eriklz profile image
Erik Lundevall Zara • Edited

Three letters - D-O-G.

margo_hdb profile image
Margo McCabe

I second that!

ericbutler555 profile image
Eric Butler

If my dog didn't have to walk around the neighborhood twice a day I'd barely leave my desk chair. 😄 He's the only reason I haven't gained 20 pounds this past year.

sarthology profile image
Sarthak Sharma

As in 🐶?

eriklz profile image
Erik Lundevall Zara • Edited

Yes :-)

kovarpavel profile image
Pavel Kovar

I was a gym person in past, but due to coronavirus, I had to find out the different ways how to stay fit and release some steam. For me, walking around works great. I have advantage of a great area 100m from my house where I can walk on fields, woods and be alone for a while

sarthology profile image
Sarthak Sharma


kovarpavel profile image
Pavel Kovar

next to my house

Thread Thread
sarthology profile image
Sarthak Sharma

Lucky you. 😊

graciegregory profile image
Gracie Gregory (she/her)

Flowstate is an awesome Forem community dedicated to fitness if anyone is interested! 😊

leewynne profile image

Yes! Thanks - I totally agree!! 😺

siwaphatpg profile image
Aum Siwaphat

I do exercise in the morning every day.
5 rep of push up and 100 for sit up at.
and at least 30 min for cardio (sometimes I run, sometimes I cycling and do body project
I have been doing this for more than 3 years.
Due to the first year, I'm working as a developer I had never do the workout until I got influenza.
That situation teaches me, working out is an important task to do.

As a developer, I like to work out in the morning not after work.
After work, I personally keep continiue doing a long task and I don't want to stop it (Deep work).

dabibu153 profile image
saurav sharma

recently rejoined the gym after lockdown. Feels great to be back in action 💪


sarthology profile image
Sarthak Sharma

Nice a weight lifter too.

relativelyrehan profile image
relativelyrehan • Edited

I often go for evening jogging to a nearby park😇

saschadev profile image
Der Sascha

Woha where ist this Park located. It is very nice!

relativelyrehan profile image

It is in Chandigarh, India. This city has many beautiful parks and forest area within city 😅😇

sarthology profile image
Sarthak Sharma

Woah! What a beautiful park.

jankapunkt profile image
Jan Küster 🔥

Shadow boxing workouts (YT Sean Fagan) and when I warmed up enough body weight exercises (YT Mark Lauren) or resistant bands (YT Undersun Fitness). About three times a week. The YT Channels are good starting points but you better get good literature.

sarthology profile image
Sarthak Sharma


anshulnegitc profile image
Anshul Negi

sun salutation

ahferroin7 profile image
Austin S. Hemmelgarn

I’ve never been super athletic, so this is something that has always been difficult for me (luckily I have a rather crazy metabolism that means I’m super skinny instead of overweight, but that’s not much consolation).

My current routine consists of two 1km power walks (I’m building up to jogging the loop I usually do instead, but not quite there yet) and some basic aerobics (squats/push-ups/sit-ups, etc). I’ve considered starting tai chi again (the various taolu sequences are actually a remarkably good workout if you do them right, even though you are moving rather slowly), though I still have to convince myself as I would have to make the space to do it.

sarthology profile image
Sarthak Sharma


leewynne profile image

Well first of all this Forem powered community helps a lot - would love to see you over there!

I built a home gym during the pandemic, nothing fancy but a Les Mills subscription helps a lot

sarthology profile image
Sarthak Sharma

Signed up 💯💪🏼

mattryanmtl profile image
Matt Ryan • Edited

I have two 15lbs weights I use for strength training, I use them a few days a week. I also bike 30 minutes a day minimum.

Over the winter I put my bike up on a trainer, so I have been cycling inside while watching TV. I also try to plank for at least 30 seconds every day.

My wife has been trying to get me into yoga, so trying that out too.

Of course, as everyone should, I try and get up and walk around every 45 minutes while programming!

sarthology profile image
Sarthak Sharma

This is cycling trick sounds cool. 🔥

727021 profile image
Andrew Schimelpfening

Anybody else into climbing?

sarthology profile image
Sarthak Sharma

Rock climbing?

727021 profile image
Andrew Schimelpfening

Yep, I climb in the gym a few days a week, and once it’s warm enough I’ll climb on real rock most weekends.

Thread Thread
sarthology profile image
Sarthak Sharma

Wow, that so cool.

systemsvanguard profile image
Ryan Hunter • Edited

Covid quarantine really played a number on all of our fitness, as gyms are closed, but that's understandable. I've gotten success with adding 3 things, particular # 2 & 3 below which I can do while at work coding.

(1) I walk for about a hour at nights, when there are not a lot of ppl around . (I'm in a residential low crime area of Toronto GTA; I cover only one ear while listening to an audio-book, podcast, or music).

(2) I purchased online a standing desk; I got one wide enough & strong enough to support 2 monitors and a laptop. My goal is to stand at least 1/3rd the day while I'm coding. Cost me CDN$220.

(3) I bought an under desk mini exercise cycle for $99 online. I pedal at least a couple hours daily while seated and coding. Ensure you have a desk tall enough so you don't keep knocking your knees on the desk underside as you pedal; you will need a rubber mat to put the exercycle on to prevent it sliding away. ( See )

As best as I can I try to do burpees, pushups, and situps at least every other day in the mornings. Forgot to mention doing planks daily.

Also, I try to limit the carbs I eat, and eat more veggies. I try (but often fail) to get 7.5 hours of sleep per night, and I leave my phone and electronics in another room to get more restful sleep.

I currently Work from Home at the kitchen table, in full view of my refrigerator and pantry (very bad idea if like me you have low self discipline). During quarantine when my fully stocked refrigerator and I were "imprisoned" together for hours, my fridge "lost weight" and I gained weight. 😔 I now try to eat less, eat healthier, and workout at least a couple hours WHILE I work my regular job.

Hope this helps someone 😊

vasily profile image
Vasily Polovnyov

I'm into BJJ and do weightlifting occasionally

sarthology profile image
Sarthak Sharma

Woah, that’s so cool man.

surajondev profile image
Suraj Vishwakarma

I do workout and running on alternative days. Occasionally I play badminton too.

sarthology profile image
Sarthak Sharma

I love badminton.

rish7223 profile image
Rishabh Tyagi

Yoga & morning meditation help me to stay fit. ✌

sarthology profile image
Sarthak Sharma


727021 profile image
Andrew Schimelpfening

Walking to work is easy for me right now since I’m working from home. I do really need to work on the sleeping early part though. 😅

bracikaa profile image
Mehmed Duhovic

Calisthenics at home, a lot of running (for someone who rarely ran in the past, this is the hardest one!), and some weightlifting. I also loved box quite a lot, but due to the virus (and the dizziness from all the head punches XD) I haven't trained in at least half a year.

lestrae profile image

6.35 - I get up and do stretches/some workout (1 day push-ups, 2 day squats etc). I walk to work. (i don't like buses, taxi is very expensive to take every day). Distance from my home and office are ~3 km. From work I also walk.

tswiftma profile image

Mountain biking. Awesome outdoor exercise and thrilling.

sarthology profile image
Sarthak Sharma

Mountain near your house?

tswiftma profile image

Yes there's mountain biking trails everywhere! Trailforks is a great app to find trails nearby

robinvandenberg profile image

I'm using an app to workout at home. Since last year I lost 8kg, so it's actually working. I think the shorter workouts make it harder for me to not do them. Because "it's just 20 mins".

luizoux profile image
Luiza R. Marinho

I run almost everyday, usually 5km (my goal now is 10km). Run makes me work better and focus and, when I can't run, I do some exercises at home. Gym is not for me, but I have to work my muscles better 🥵

jream profile image

Woodworking can be a pretty long sweat, seems to work for me but I do it as a hobby for hours at a time.

sarthology profile image
Sarthak Sharma

What do you make?

jream profile image

Mostly shelves, lapdesks, and things to organize things with lol. A few beds and chairs here and there, always learning it's fun but dangerous.

eduardonwa profile image
Eduardo Cookie Lifter

Glad you asked. I have a BOD subscription ( it has hundreds of workout routines. I also have a nutritional plan which allows me to eat anything, yeah, and has 2 cheat days he-he, its more complicated than that but overall I love staying fit, right now im doing The Work for the 4th time (at week 5!!) 💪

tushar_gandhi profile image

I follow a mantra "Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise".

sarthology profile image
Sarthak Sharma

Wise man, you are.

sbu_05 profile image
Sibusiso Dlamini

I'm a university student so when I am on campus I am a full time pedestrian 😅 I also like to play soccer from time to get the blood flowing

sarthology profile image
Sarthak Sharma


sarthology profile image
Sarthak Sharma

Eating less definitely a good choice.

jastuccio profile image
jastuccio • Edited

I don't 🤦‍♂️

Hiking and kayaking season is right around the corner. Hopefully, that will help. I'd like to get back into lifting and jump rope too.

sarthology profile image
Sarthak Sharma

If you have thought about it you definitely will. All the best. 💯💪🏼

eidellev profile image
Lev Eidelman Nagar • Edited

In a word: kettlebells. They're compact and versatile and I can't recommend them enough.

patferraggi profile image
Patricio Ferraggi

I do elliptical bike every morning, everything is closed here so I am kind of just getting by. I do not enjoy it. I hope everything opens soon so I can go back to Muay Thai and weights

codedoer profile image

Stress is how I stay fit lmao

lyonbach profile image
bahadir arslan • Edited

Actually, it all depends on what kind of physical achievement one is after. For example, if you are normally doing a bodybuilding style workout, to keep the volume in lockdown, I would strongly suggest using resistance bands since they are cheap and easy to use for a high variety of exercises anywhere. I personally use resistance bands, and to keep cardio I go running. This year also CrossFit announced no equipment required workouts for the open. I would say those exercises are the best for developers, not so much time is required to complete and very effective.

johannes profile image

I've definitely fallen victim to "The Lockdown 15" 😬 Delivery apps are a real danger! Never used them before but they've become a real addiction in lockdown.

hdetering profile image
Harry Detering

Yoga all the way! Has cured any sort of back pain so far.

vindiv profile image
Vincenzo Di Vico

i do powerlifting. my training program is based on the 3 fundamentals, bench press, squat and deadlift, plus complementary exercises

kryptech profile image
Chris Sissons

I try to get some sustained 20 minutes of exercise a few times a week (stationary bike, power walk in the woods, lifting weights), typically after dinner. But I've also sprinkled exercise into my day: I do push-ups / crunches while I wait for my morning coffee to brew, I stand on one foot while washing my hands to improve/maintain my balance, I do as many pull-ups as possible after lunch break, and I lift a weight beside my desk a few times whenever I get up from my desk. These little things add physical variety to my day.

shwetabh1 profile image
Shwetabh Shekhar

Home workout with a resistance band and skipping rope.

mis0u profile image

I don't know where do you live but in France all the gym are closed so I'm doing a full TRX training and I like it but I'm in a hurry to go to the gym when they open

panditapan profile image

I play ringfit and I'm hoping to get just dance soon as well!

now that the cold has left my cute little town, it's time to sweaaat! :D

sarthology profile image
Sarthak Sharma

Dancing is a fun way to stay fit for sure.

peiche profile image

I live pretty close to a bike trail. I run at least 5K every day.

sarthology profile image
Sarthak Sharma

Damn 😨

psvann profile image

I hung up a heavy bag in my garage and do boxing workouts. Was cold in the winter and may scare the neighbors, but helps with stress.

dcsan profile image

Oculus quest! Has some great games that make you move

ssriram22 profile image
Sairam Sriram

meditation and sufficient intake of water must and should

sarthology profile image
Sarthak Sharma

Just that?

lankjan007 profile image

Heria pro + body calisthenics job done!

arnulfo_07 profile image
Arnulfo R. H.

Exercise with dumbbell and bicycle, is very cool for me.