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Yunwei Xiao
Yunwei Xiao

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Use Vuex With Composition API Helpers

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Recently, I'm focus on build a new wheel, I implement useXXX helpers for Vuex, and I'm consider about to contribute in Vuex, then i found that, the useXXX helpers proposal already exist nearly eight months.


@vueblocks/vue-use-vuex - Use Vuex With Composition API Easily. It build on top of vue-demi & @vue/compostion-api. It works both for Vue 2 & 3, TypeScript Supported too.


  • useState - same as mapState
  • useGetters - same as mapGetters
  • useMutations - same as mapMutations
  • useActions - same as mapActions


  • useStore - same as Vuex 4.x composition api useStore



import { useVuex } from '@vueblocks/vue-use-vuex'

export default {
  // ...
  setup () {
    // Use the useState as you would use mapState
    const { useState } = useVuex()

    return {
      // mix this into the outer object with the object spread operator
        // arrow functions can make the code very succinct!
        count: state => state.count,

        // passing the string value 'count' is same as `state => state.count`
        countAlias: 'count',

        // to access local state with `this`, a normal function must be used
        countPlusLocalState (state) {
          return state.count + this.localCount
        // map count<ComputedRef> to store.state.count
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import { useVuex } from '@vueblocks/vue-use-vuex'

export default {
  // ...
  setup () {
    // Use the useGetters as you would use mapGetters
    const { useGetters } = useVuex()

    return {
      // mix the getters into outer object with the object spread operator
        // ...
      // if you want to map a getter to a different name, use an object:
        // map `doneCount<ComputedRef>` to `this.$store.getters.doneTodosCount`
        doneCount: 'doneTodosCount'
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import { useVuex } from '@vueblocks/vue-use-vuex'

export default {
  // ...
  setup () {
    // Use the useMutations as you would use mapMutations
    const { useMutations } = useVuex()

    return {
        'increment', // map `increment()` to `this.$store.commit('increment')`

        // `mapMutations` also supports payloads:
        'incrementBy' // map `incrementBy(amount)` to `this.$store.commit('incrementBy', amount)`
        add: 'increment' // map `add()` to `this.$store.commit('increment')`
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import { useVuex } from '@vueblocks/vue-use-vuex'

export default {
  // ...
  setup () {
    // Use the useActions as you would use mapActions
    const { useActions } = useVuex()

    return {
        'increment', // map `increment()` to `this.$store.dispatch('increment')`

        // `mapActions` also supports payloads:
        'incrementBy' // map `incrementBy(amount)` to `this.$store.dispatch('incrementBy', amount)`
        add: 'increment' // map `add()` to `this.$store.dispatch('increment')`
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also support

// Get namespaced component binding helpers in useVuex
import { useVuex } from '@vueblocks/vue-use-vuex'

export default {
  setup () {
    const { mapState, mapActions } = useVuex('some/nested/module')

    return {
      // look up in `some/nested/module`
        a: state => state.a,
        b: state => state.b
      // look up in `some/nested/module`
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It seems familiar right? Yeah, You could think of @vueblocks/vue-use-vuex as a wrapper of Vuex Helpers

Read Docs

But, I'm didn't think too much about type safety, and i am still learning TypeScript. If you're interested it, Please help me improve it.

PRs Welcome in @vueblocks/vue-use-utilities

Top comments (1)

rxliuli profile image

Not supporting ts is a bad civilization!