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Cover image for Ansible 5.5.0 has been released
XLAB Steampunk
XLAB Steampunk

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Ansible 5.5.0 has been released

Ansible users will be interested to know that Ansible just received a major version update. In addition to a curated set of Ansible Collections, the Ansible 5.5.0 package also includes ansible-core 2.12, which is a significant update from Ansible 4 versions, which included ansible-core 2.11. The new ansible-core requires the use of Python 3.8, unlike ansible-core 2.11, which still supports the use of Python 3.6.

So those of you still using the earlier Python versions should keep in mind that when you upgrade Ansible, you also need to upgrade your Python version. And since ansible-core 2.12 is a major update from the version used in Ansible 4, check your playbooks for any potential compatibility issues.

But as Ansible 5.5.0 brings updates to 19 Ansible Collections, providing a bunch of new modules and plugins, you shouldn't hesitate and get the new version asap! ;)

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