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Li Yuxuan
Li Yuxuan

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Simplify Your Next.js 13 (App Router) Development with `npx easy-next@latest`

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In the vast landscape of JavaScript frameworks and libraries, Next.js has emerged as a powerful tool for building server-rendered React applications. However, getting started with Next.js can sometimes be overwhelming, especially if you're new to the framework. But no worries! I have developed an npm package called easy-next that streamlines the process, making it easier and more enjoyable for you to create Next.js projects. In this article, I will dive into the features, benefits, and functionalities of this package, helping you leverage its power to supercharge your Next.js development.

Streamlined Project Initialization

With simple one-liner:

npx easy-next@latest
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initializing a new Next.js project becomes a breeze. This package offers a pre-configured template with TypeScript support, allowing you to focus on building your application rather than dealing with the hassle of setting up the project from scratch. Whether you're starting a small personal project or embarking on a large-scale production application, npx easy-next@latest ensures you begin on the right foot.

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Robust TypeScript Support

TypeScript has become the de facto standard for building scalable and maintainable JavaScript applications. easy-next fully embraces this trend by providing comprehensive TypeScript support out of the box. With static typing, improved code navigation, and enhanced tooling, developers can catch errors early, increase code quality, and enjoy the benefits of an efficient development experience.

SEO & PWA Auto Setup

Auto PWA setup enables you to install the app straightaway on PWA supported browser

One of the standout features of easy-next is the built-in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) setup and Progressive Web App (PWA) support. These configurations are automatically included in the package, saving developers plenty of time that would otherwise be spent setting them up manually.

With the SEO setup, your Next.js website is primed for search engines, improving its visibility and discoverability. This ensures that your content reaches a wider audience, leading to increased organic traffic and better rankings in search engine results.

Additionally, the PWA setup in easy-next allows your website to function as a Progressive Web App, providing a seamless user experience across different devices and platforms. Users can easily install your website on their desktop or mobile devices, using browsers that support PWA functionality, such as Chrome. This enables offline access, push notifications, and a native app-like experience, enhancing user engagement and satisfaction.

By automating these crucial configurations, easy-next ensures that your Next.js project is auto-ready for SEO and PWA support, allowing you to focus on building exceptional web experiences for both PC and mobile users.

Customization Options

Plenty of options to choose from, customise your project according to your need

One of the key strengths of easy-next is its flexibility in allowing developers to customize their projects according to their specific needs. The package offers a variety of choices for tools such as linter, formatter, git hook, UI framework, testing frameworks etc, allowing you to adopt your preferred coding style and ensure consistent code quality. Whether you prefer ESLint, Stylelint, or Prettier, whether you want to setup Jest for unit testing, or Playwright, Cypress for E2E testing, easy-next gives you the freedom to choose what works best for you.

In addition, the package provides seamless integration with popular third-party libraries. If you prefer UI frameworks like Chakra UI, Material UI, Radix UI, easy-next offers easy setup and integration for these common libraries. This means that you can quickly set up your project with the tools and frameworks you are already familiar with, reducing the learning curve and increasing development efficiency.

With these customization options, easy-next empowers developers to tailor their Next.js projects to suit their unique requirements, ensuring a development experience that aligns perfectly with their preferences and goals.

What's in the future?

Currently, easy-next just released its first version build. There are definitely more to come! And your valuable feedbacks and suggestions will definitely help the project move forward to become better! Though the package is providing plenty of options, but that's not enough! I will keep adding in new features and options (such as other popular UI libraries, frameworks), so that more developers with different preferences can kickstart with their NextJS project with ease.

I am also very open to collaboration and this project is open source on GitHub here! So feel free to contribute to it if you are any brilliant ideas or suggestions, or fixes.


easy-next is an indispensable tool for developers looking to leverage the power of Next.js while avoiding the complexities of project setup. With its streamlined project initialization, optimized configuration, robust TypeScript support, and customization options, this npm package empowers developers to build scalable and performant applications with ease. By using npx easy-next@latest, you'll be able to focus on what truly matters: creating remarkable web experiences. So, why wait? Give it a try and witness the transformation of your Next.js development journey. Happy coding!


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