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Embarking on the Digital Ocean Journey: Unleashing the Power of CLI with doctl

Step 1: Install doctl

First, you will need to install doctl on your local machine. You can download the binary from the official website or use a package manager if you are on a supported system.


curl -L$(uname -s)-$(uname -m) -o /usr/local/bin/doctl
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/doctl
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


Download the latest doctl executable from the official website and install it following the instructions.

Step 2: Create a Digital Ocean Account

Click below to create a free account with credits to spend within digital ocean

DigitalOcean Referral Badge

Step 3: Create a Digital Ocean Account API key

Log in to your Digital Ocean account and navigate to the "API"
section in your account settings. Generates a new API key with sufficient permissions to access and manage container registries.

Step 4: Configure doctl

Open a terminal and run the following command to configure doctl with your API key:

doctl auth init
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Follow the instructions to enter your API key and select your preferred settings.
Absolutely! Here's the closing for your post:

And that wraps it up! With doctl now installed, you're all set to make the most of Digital Ocean directly from the command line. In the upcoming posts, we'll delve into the myriad possibilities and capabilities that Digital Ocean offers through the terminal. From resource management to advanced deployments, I'll guide you through the powerful tools that will help you optimize your cloud experience. Stay tuned to discover how to elevate your projects to new heights with Digital Ocean! 🚀🌐

I hope you find this closing suitable for your post! If you need anything else, feel free to ask!

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