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Cover image for Dealing with integer by different radix
Yasushi Takehara
Yasushi Takehara

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Dealing with integer by different radix

In Java, numbers can be written by various radix.

// radix 10
int value = 255;

// radix 16
value = 0xff; // starts from 0x
value = 0xFF; // ff can be written as upper case, but not common
value = 0Xff; // x can be upper case, but not common

// radix 8
value = 0377; // starts from 0

// radix 2
value = 0b11111111; // starts from 0b
value = 0b1111_1111; // under score can be put for separation
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These are all same values essentially and given for convenience for programmers when reading.


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