Making My First Browser Plugin
I have a feeling most of my followers know about XKCD already, the webcomic that has become a staple of n...
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Very good idea ! I often go to ExplainXKCD after reading XKCD, even when the meaning of the daily comic is obvious, it's always interesting.
I just added you add-on on Firefox !
(on my first use of it I was thinking it may be better to have the link with
but indeed without it it's the same behavior than the link from ExplainXKCD to XKCD, so your choice is totally coherent.)Lol now that you mention it, when I envisioned the functionality that's how I imagined it, I guess I forgot to implement that :)
I'll see if I decide to leave it as is or fix it in a later update.
mamish a tikkun gadol for the tzibbur of xkcd lomdim, but does it have a haskomah from the mechaber?
No, I made it Al Da'as Atzmi, though I'm sure Reb Munro Shlita won't be Makpid. Bifrat that it was done Lezakos Harabim and Sheloi Al M'nas L'kabel Prass.
Mamish a zchus otzum to be mezakeh the oilum letoieles, and clearly there's no chashash of koichi veoitzem yoddi since you were oimer dovor besheim oimroi. 😁
Nice and simple! I appreciate that it's just an anchor tag rather than some cumbersome, dreaded, modal...shudders
Been using this extension for a few weeks now. Super nice to have. Thanks Yechiel!
Thanks! Glad you found it useful! 🤗
Wow, this is a great idea!
That is awesome! Very clever, I never knew you could literally inject stuff into the dom like that! Nice work!
Yeah, a plugin is just a JavaScript file that gets run whenever a certain page (that you specify in the manifest) gets displayed.
It can do anything that JavaScript can do.
When is the Chromium port coming along? :D
Ask and ye shall receive :)
I'll see if I have time over the weekend.
I'm definitely downloading it when I get home.
Thanks! Let me know how it works for you...
Oh, the pleasure was mine 😀