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Discussion on: Tour of an Open-Source Elm SPA

yevheniygloba profile image

Hello, thanks a lot for the great article.
I have a question regarding handling a lot of messages in the Main file for update section: type Msg = SetRoute (Maybe Route) | HomeLoaded (Result PageLoadError Home.Model) ...

Imagine that you have a lot of these messages (in our example we have 32 messages, and 31 of them are like HomeLoaded (Result PageLoadError Home.Model) .. and HomeMsg Home.Msg)
And here we have a problem with building our app - it takes up to 50 seconds to build app.

Could you help us? Could you give us some help?

rtfeldman profile image
Richard Feldman • Edited

There's a bug in the 0.18 compiler that has a big performance regression when you have case-expressions with many branches (as I recall, 32 is where it kicks in). The bug will be fixed in 0.19, but in the meantime you can split some of the messages out into a separate union type just to split the one big case-expression into two case-expressions.

Does that make sense? Happy to elaborate if it's unclear!