DEV Community

Yoel Monzón
Yoel Monzón

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From Santa Cruz Mulua to Microservices: My Journey as a Software Developer

Hola! I'm Yoel, hailing from the tranquil town of Santa Cruz Mulua in Retalhuleu, Guatemala. While my surroundings were serene, my passion for software development from a young age was anything but. I dived headfirst into the world of coding at 17, developing desktop applications, and now, with over a decade of experience, I find myself navigating the intricate lanes of APIs, microservices, and system designs.

Throughout these years, I've had the privilege to work with a rich tapestry of languages like JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, Elixir, and Node.js. Each project, each line of code, has woven a unique story – stories that I'm now eager to share with you all.

Why start a blog now?

There's a profound joy in sharing, and my purpose with this blog is multifaceted:

  1. Sharing Day-to-Day Challenges: Like every professional, I face my fair share of challenges. By sharing these, I hope to bridge gaps, find solutions, and maybe make your journey a tad bit smoother.

  2. Continuous Learning: Our industry is ever-evolving, and so is my thirst for knowledge. As I learn, I want to take you along on this enlightening journey.

  3. Maximizing Earnings, Regardless of Location: In a world connected by the internet, physical location should not dictate your paycheck. I'll delve deep into how software engineers can earn more, irrespective of where they're based.

  4. Holistic Growth as a Software Engineer: Beyond the code, it's essential to evolve as a professional. Expect articles on soft skills, career growth, and more.

  5. Book Reviews: As an avid reader, I'll share insights on books that shape my perspective, hoping they enrich your life too.

  6. Tutorials & More: Whether it's about a new framework, language, or tool, I'll periodically drop tutorials to make our coding lives easier.

The beauty of the tech world lies in its community. Together, we grow, learn, and overcome. I invite you to be a part of my journey, just as I wish to be a part of yours.

Here's to a plethora of stories, challenges, solutions, and growth. Welcome to my world!

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