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Manage vps RAM usage by docker containers

I recently had an issue where I couldn't connect to my VPS server. I thought it was an internet connection issue, but it turned out to be high RAM usage on my server.

I tried to find a monitoring tool to help me figure out what was going on, but the information I found was too lengthy and didn't seem relevant to my specific issue.

In the end, I figured out a quick way to fix the problem myself. Here's what I did:

  1. get list of docker containers according to their RAM/Memory-Usage using docker stats
docker stats --no-stream --format "table {{.Name}}\t{{.MemUsage}}" | sort -k 2 -hr
# --no-steam: by default docker stats is streams information, which sometimes hangs 
#    command line --no-stream ask stats one time instead of streaming
# sort -k 2: sort list considering 2nd column which is MemUsage here
# sort -hr: h represents human-redable number, r represents reverse (descending order)
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  1. shut down or delete unnecessory containers using docker stop

And that's it, you can check again the reduced RAM usage on vps server by running htop

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