DEV Community

Youssef Khaled
Youssef Khaled

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Stuff I've read, watched, and heard - #1

Hello everyone, This is my second article in a weekly series in which I share stuff I've read, watched, and heard throughout the week and found interesting and worth sharing.

Stuff I've Read

Proxy vs Reverse Proxy

  • Understanding the difference between Proxy and Reverse Proxy servers is very important especially if you're interested in Backend Engineering or Networking. This article provides a simple explanation for both of them using a simple and intuitive example and compares the benefits of both of them.

What is latency? Let’s deep dive & understand possible ways to optimize it

  • Latency is also an important topic regarding Backend Engineering and Networking. This article provides a deep dive discussing Latency, why it's important, how to measure latency, and how to optimize latency to improve performance.

Which Programming Language to Choose for Coding Interviews

  • Most companies let you code in any language you want but your choice can make a huge difference in your performance during the interview. This article provides a guide to help you choose the suitable programming language for your coding interview to maximize your performance.
  • Check the Tech Interview Handbook if you're preparing for a coding interview and looking for a reference to help you organize your preparation process.

Stuff I've Watched

DNS and How does it work

  • Domain Name System (DNS) is a must-know topic for every software engineer. This video provides a general idea about the internet and explains the journey of your request through the internet until the requested website (Domain Name) is found.

What is the JavaScript Event Loop Really all About

  • I'm currently learning Node.js and understanding the javascript event loop is crucial to understand how Node.js works under the hood. This video is by far the best tutorial I've seen explaining the javascript event loop (and believe me when I say the best I've seen A LOT).

Stuff I've Heard

What's a Zero Day Attack?

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