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Yukti Manoj Mulani
Yukti Manoj Mulani

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Project Stage-3:Leveraging Advanced GCC Flags.

Hello there!!

As our journey towards implementing Automatic Function Multi-Versioning (AFMV) for AArch64 systems continues, I’ve encountered some intriguing challenges and solutions regarding the support of SVE2 (Scalable Vector Extension version 2) in GCC. This blog post explores how advanced GCC flags can be leveraged to overcome these hurdles, enabling a smoother path towards a fully functional AFMV setup.

Exploring Advanced GCC Flags:

GCC (GNU Compiler Collection) is known for its robust support for various architectures and instruction sets, including SVE2. However, enabling these features sometimes requires explicit configuration through advanced flags. Here’s a breakdown of the steps I followed to integrate these features:

1. Identifying the Required Architecture Support:

  • The error indicated that SVE2 support wasn't automatically enabled, which led me to investigate the necessary architecture flags. SVE2 is part of the Armv8.5-A architecture, so I needed to ensure GCC was configured to support this.

2. Adding the Appropriate Flags:

  • By consulting the GCC documentation and community forums, I identified the necessary flags to enable SVE2 support. The critical flags were -march and -mcpu, which dictate the target architecture and CPU:
gcc hello.c -o hello -O3 -march=armv8.5-a+sve2 -mcpu=cortex-a75
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Here’s a brief explanation of the flags:

  • -march=armv8.5-a+sve2: Specifies the target architecture, including SVE2.
  • -mcpu=cortex-a75: Specifies the CPU, ensuring that it aligns with the required architecture.

3. Integrating the Flags into the Build Process:

By incorporating these flags into my build commands, I ensured that the compiler was correctly configured to recognize and support the SVE2 instructions. This involved updating my Makefile and build scripts to include these flags.

4. Validating the Configuration:

After adding the flags, I recompiled my code and verified that the target("sve2") attribute was now recognized and valid. Here’s a snippet of the updated hello.c:

#include <stdio.h>

void my_function() {
    printf("This function utilizes SVE2 instructions.\n");

int main() {
    return 0;

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Insights and Learnings:

This experience underscored the importance of understanding and leveraging advanced GCC flags to achieve the desired functionality. It was a reminder that while GCC is incredibly powerful, it often requires explicit configuration to support specialized features like SVE2.

In summary, the addition of advanced GCC flags was crucial in enabling SVE2 support, thereby allowing us to move forward with the AFMV implementation. This journey has been instrumental in deepening my understanding of compiler configurations and their impact on project outcomes.

Stay tuned for the next post in this series, where I’ll delve into the performance optimizations made possible through AFMV and SVE2!

Until next time, happy coding 🚀!!

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