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Cover image for Day 87: multi-step form validation

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Day 87: multi-step form validation

So the multi step form I created last week today I realized it will not be that straightforward to validate as I technically have a single form and I'm passing the form steps as children components so I'm currently passing each state as a prop to each child which make the code super ugly. at first I did want to use a better state management option like redux or context just for a stupid form but I think I now need a better way to handle state across all form steps as now validation kicked in. the worst part is that I have to work on this by tomorrow morning so I may not have enough time to research about the best way to go about it so I will have to implement the hacky way and maybe get back to it later.
That probably will be the focus of tomorrow. waitt... today I actually got a chance to learn about CSS absolute property to treat element absolute from the rest of the page content and I can't believe I had been using it without knowing it's purpose so that's nice... Okay now that's all
Signing off...

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