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❮ ZI ❯ for Z-Shell

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⚙️ ❮ ZConvey ❯

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ZConvey integrates multiple Zsh sessions. They are given an ID, optionally a NAME (both unique), and can send commands to each other.

Use this to switch all your Zshells to given directory, via zc-all cd $PWD! Also, there's zc-bg-notify script (not a function), that will show notification under prompt of every active Zsh session.

You can call this script from any program, Bash or GUI.

Video – view on asciinema. You can resize the video by pressing Ctrl-+ or Cmd-+.


Zstyles for ZConvey values being set are the defaults. They must be set before loading the plugin.

zstyle ":plugin:zconvey" check_interval "2"         # How often to check if there are new commands (in seconds)
zstyle ":plugin:zconvey" expire_seconds "22"        # If shell is busy for 22 seconds, the received command will expire and not run
zstyle ":plugin:zconvey" greeting "logo"            # Display logo at Zsh start ("text" – display text, "none" – no greeting)
zstyle ":plugin:zconvey" ask "0"                    # zc won't ask for missing data ("1" has the same effect as always using -a option)
zstyle ":plugin:zconvey" ls_after_rename "0"        # Don't execute zc-ls after doing rename (with zc-rename or zc-take)
zstyle ":plugin:zconvey" use_zsystem_flock "1"      # Should use faster zsystem's flock when it's possible?
                                                    # (default true on Zsh >= 5.3, will revert to mixed zsystem/flock on older Zshells)
zstyle ":plugin:zconvey" output_method "feeder"     # To put commands on command line, ZConvey can use small program "feeder". Or "zsh"
                                                    # method, which currently doesn't automatically run the command – to use when e.g.
                                                    # feeder doesn't build (unlikely) or when occurring any problems with it
zstyle ":plugin:zconvey" timestamp_from "datetime"  # Use zsh/datetime module for obtaining timestamp. "date" – use date command (fork)
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ZConvey commands

Command Description
zc Sends to other session; use "-a" option to be asked for target and a command to send
zc-ls Lists all active and named sessions
zc-id Shows ID and NAME of current session
zc-all The same as zc, but targets are all other active sessions (with -f also busy sessions)
zc-take Takes a name for current or selected sessions, schematically renames any conflicting sessions
zc-logo The same as zc-id, but in a form of an on-screen logo; bound to Ctrl-O Ctrl-I
zc-rename Assigns name to current or selected session; won't rename if there's a session with the same name
zc-bg-notify In subdirectory cmds, link it to /usr/local/bin, etc. or load with e.g. ZI

The main command is zc (yet it is rather rarely used, I'm always sending to all sessions with zc-all). It is used to execute commands on other sessions. zc-ls is the main tool to obtain overall information on sessions. zc-take is a nice rename tool to quickly name a few sessions. Keyboard shortcut Ctrl-O Ctrl-I will show current session's ID and NAME in form of an on-screen logo.

Install ZConvey with ZI

Add zi load z-shell/zconvey to your .zshrc file. ZI will clone the plugin the next time you start zsh. To update issue zi update z-shell/zconvey.

ZI can load in turbo-mode, below is an example configuration.

zi ice wait"0"
zi light z-shell/zconvey
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Adding zc-bg-notify to $PATH:

zi ice wait"0" as"command" pick"cmds/zc-bg-notify" silent
zi light z-shell/zconvey
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Manual ZConvey installation

The plugin is "standalone", which means that only sourcing it is needed. So to install, unpack zconvey somewhere and add

source {where-zconvey-is}/zconvey.plugin.zsh
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

to zshrc.

If using a plugin manager, then ZI is recommended, but you can use any other too, and also install with Oh My Zsh (by copying directory to ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins).

The plugin integrates with my other plugin Zsh-Select. Install it with e.g. ZI to be able to use -a option for zc command.

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