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Discussion on: Using WordPress as a headless CMS with Next.js

zackrosegithub profile image
Zack Rose

Hi there,

when I go to my site/graphql I get the following error:

GraphQL Request must include at least one of those two parameters: \"query\" or \"queryId

Does anyone know why? I can't really go any further until I can access the data!

Thank you

justintrang profile image
Justin Trang

I had same error before because I use GET in stead of POST.
If you use POST, then you should recheck your query string ( must start with: query ... )

brentonjackson profile image

Do it like this:

{}/graphql?query={stuff that's in your graphiql query}

For example, to get all posts of a specific category:
query={category(id: "asdfh3e2"){posts{nodes{title}}}}

Play around with the GraphiQL IDE to find out the queries that go inside /graphql?query={}