DEV Community

Zafar Yaqoob
Zafar Yaqoob

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What Is a Full Stack Developer & What Do They Do?

A full stack developer is a person who can build the entire product. They can write the code, design the UI and work on marketing campaigns.

Full stack developers are usually employed by companies that need to develop their own products. They are also hired by companies that need to hire people with a wide range of skillsets.

What are the Skills of a Full Stack Developer?

A full stack developer has skills that span the entire web development process. They are proficient in back-end and front-end development, and they know how to use databases.

Skills of a full stack developer:

  • Proficient in back-end and front-end development

  • Know how to use databases

What Can You Do with a Full Stack Web Developer Skill Set?

A full stack developer is a programmer who knows both front-end and back-end programming languages. This means they can code the whole website by themselves.

Full stack web developers have many use cases in the workplace. They are usually employed by companies to build their websites from scratch, but they can also be employed as contractors to work on specific projects for other companies.

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