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JavaScript vs TypeScript

Both JavaScript and TypeScript are used to create interactive web applications. They are both widely known languages. But before mentioning their differences, let's first introduce each.

What is JavaScript?

JavaScript is an open-source, scripting language. It was developed at Netscape in 1995. The developer Brendan Eich wrote the prototype in 10 days. It was initially called LiveScript. It was then renamed to reflect Netscape's support of Java within its browser. A year later, Netscape submitted JavaScript to the European Computer Manufacturers Association (ECMA).

Originally, it was meant to be a client-side language. But is was soon discovered that it was suited to be a server-side language as well. Along with HTML and CSS, it is the one of the core technologies of the internet. It's continued acceptance is made evident with the fact that after almost 25 years, it still continues to have an open standard. The current version of JavaScript, ECMAScript, was release in 2020. It also has a huge development-community following.

const message = 'Hello World!";

What is TypeScript?

TypeScript is an object-oriented, programming language. It was developed by Microsoft in 2012. It was designed for development of large web applications.

TypeScript is more of a super set of JavaScript. Since TypeScript compiles into JavaScript, all JavaScript code is valid in TypeScript. But TypeScript has additional features. It is a strong typed programming language. TypeScript is considered to simplify code, making it easier to read and debug. It is also easy to learn and implement for JavaScript programmers.

Like JavaScript, TypeScript has also been used to develop both client-side and server-side code. It is also open source.

const message:string = 'Hello World!";

Advantages of JavaScript over TypeScript

  • JavaScript has a vast number of frameworks and libraries that TypeScript does not have.

  • JavaScript is best for smaller projects.

  • JavaScript is an interpreted language, so it does not take time to compile like TypeScript.

  • JavaScript does support abstract classes

  • JavaScript has a large programming community.

Advantages of TypeScript over JavaScript

  • TypeScript offers static typing.

  • TypeScript highlights compilation errors while it is being developed.

  • TypeScript was developed for large projects.

  • TypeScript supports object-oriented classes and modules.


Although JavaScript is more widely used than TypeScript, TypeScript has been gaining in popularity. Since TypeScript depends on JavaScript, it can never replace JavaScript. TypeScript can, however, influence how developers write web applications. If a developer is working on a small coding project, JavaScript is ideal. However, if it is a large scale project, then TypeScript will be preferred.

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