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Falon Darville for Zero Assumptions

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Zero Assumption’s Backbone of Rust

Zero Assumptions is a zero trust networking solution you can use with your existing Identity Provider. All of your data is stored on-prem, so you control it all.

While you won't have to write any foundational code to drive the functionality of Zero Assumptions for your organization, this article explores our usage of the Rust language. The purpose being that you'll gain a stronger understanding of the mechanisms that drive Zero Assumptions, and why our product is secure, safe, and performant.

We've built our solution on Rust for a number of reasons including its strong community support, packages on, and future-proofing.

Decrease Runtime Errors

Given that Zero Assumptions is on-prem first. Given the nature of our product, if the software goes down, then people can’t access their private resources. We have to send product that is as solid as possible at runtime.

Rust is a memory-safe language that eliminates an entire class of errors without sacrificing performance. Specifically, in safe mode, Absence of Null prevents another class of bugs occurring in runtime.

Consistent Quality and Longevity

Rust contributors intentionally keep the language backwards compatible. This means that when Rust changes, Zero Assumptions won't introduce breaking changes due specifically to using a newer version of Rust.

When writing Rust itself, the language has no additional usage "cost" for abstractions. This will allow us to continue to iterate quickly without slowing down the end product.

It's also worth mentioning that Rust has robust and clear documentation, which greatly adds to the overall quality of the language.


When Rust compiles, it looks at memory compilation, which can prevent memory management problems. Rust also allows for more granular control over memory, so we can highly customize where we want to.

Zero Assumptions benefits from its Rust foundation on many levels. And while our users don't need to know any Rust, they'll reap all the rewards of Zero Assumptions being built on Rust.

Follow Zero Assumptions here on DEV, LinkedIn, and Twitter to stay up-to-date on our product. We're launching this year, 2023, and can't wait for you to use Zero Assumptions.

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