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I'm Luis! \^-^/ profile picture

I'm Luis! \^-^/

Passionate about solving problems since 2012! I'm a full stack web developer with experience in AWS, TypeScript and React. Looking for new opportunities!

Location Punta Cana, Dominican Republic Joined Joined on  Personal website github website twitter website


Bachelor's degree in computer science


Full Stack Web Developer

Seven Year Club
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Six Year Club
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Four Year Club
Three Year Club
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One Year Club
Simulating movement through a Map using React

Simulating movement through a Map using React

6 min read

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A Simple TypeScript Class to query information from DynamoDB

A Simple TypeScript Class to query information from DynamoDB

5 min read
How to Use Toku's Illumass SDK to Query Pressure Data

How to Use Toku's Illumass SDK to Query Pressure Data

3 min read
How To Back Up Files to S3 And Delete Them Using Bash

How To Back Up Files to S3 And Delete Them Using Bash

2 min read
How To Create a Status Dashboard with AWS Cloudwatch Synthetics For All Your API EndPoints using the AWS CDK

How To Create a Status Dashboard with AWS Cloudwatch Synthetics For All Your API EndPoints using the AWS CDK

7 min read
How-To's For Pretty Much ANYTHING You Wanna Do To An Array in JavaScript

How-To's For Pretty Much ANYTHING You Wanna Do To An Array in JavaScript

Comments 2
7 min read
The problem with being born in the "wrong" country

The problem with being born in the "wrong" country

Comments 14
3 min read
Do's and Don'ts for people who are learning English

Do's and Don'ts for people who are learning English

Comments 2
4 min read
Let's play with Google Maps and React - Making a Car move through the road, like on Uber - Part 2

Let's play with Google Maps and React - Making a Car move through the road, like on Uber - Part 2

Comments 6
3 min read
Let's play with Google Maps and React - Making a Car move through the road, like on Uber - Part 1

Let's play with Google Maps and React - Making a Car move through the road, like on Uber - Part 1

Comments 9
9 min read
I want to invite you to the Caribbean Dev Conference

I want to invite you to the Caribbean Dev Conference

Comments 1
2 min read
[Challenge] Can you play with your language's syntax without breaking it?

[Challenge] Can you play with your language's syntax without breaking it?

Comments 5
1 min read
A few problems with Facebook's API you might wanna know

A few problems with Facebook's API you might wanna know

4 min read