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Famous websites with JavaScript disabled

Habdul Hazeez on May 27, 2020

Introduction The three musketeers of Web development are indeed HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The way you combine these three amigos can ha...
patarapolw profile image
Pacharapol Withayasakpunt • Edited

I saw somewhere that Twitter can load with JavaScript disabled "only for some User Agents".

Indeed, making your website require JavaScript does kill many high performance web scraping.

ziizium profile image
Habdul Hazeez

Thank you for the link @Pacharapol, I'll definitely read the article.

Indeed, making your website require JavaScript does kill many high performance web scraping.

Do you have any resource that I can check for this? Or is it in the linked article?

patarapolw profile image
Pacharapol Withayasakpunt

No, I cite it myself.

Disable JavaScript means you cannot use merely GET web scraping (e.g. Python requests), and read the HTML output (e.g. Python BeautifulSoup). You will need to resort to more heavyweight method like Selenium or Puppetteer (Chrome engine).

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ziizium profile image
Habdul Hazeez

Excellent. Thanks for the info.

muszynov profile image
Michal M.

Interesting but what's the purpose of disabling JavaScript on websites?

ziizium profile image
Habdul Hazeez

... purpose of disabling JavaScript on websites?

It's a personal preference. Some Web users (like me) actually browser with JavaScript disabled in their browser. We tend to load scripts only on site we trust.

Turning off JavaScript on sites like YouTube, ThePracticalDEV and the likes was just for research purposes and to see what they'll be like with JavaScript disabled.

mdamaceno profile image
Marco Damaceno

To protect yourself against XSS exploit. You enable JavaScript only on websites you trust. Like a firewall.

drmason13 profile image

Definitely a good security practice to use noscript in my eyes. Once you get used to it there's no need to go back to js on by default.

It's satisfying to see so many adverts, Google analytics and other crud getting blocked by noscript. I get a good sense of the website by how many third party scripts it runs and what they are called.

One major pain point is cloudfront type hosting. In particular the AWS console will load entirely necessary content from literally dozens of different cloudfront domains that all need to be trusted individually... Every AWS service can use a bunch of different domains :( you can always just disable noscript for a tab though when you hit annoying niche cases like that though :)

Noscript is great, highly recommend it!

omrisama profile image
Omri Gabay

Hahaha I love how you threw DEV in there right at the end

szilardszabo profile image
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gyansatapathy profile image
Gyan Satapathy

JavaScript has too much power

bravemaster619 profile image

I already commented the similar problems before:

Stackoverflow can be loaded without any Javascript.

ziizium profile image
Habdul Hazeez

Stackoverflow can be loaded without any Javascript.

There is notice at the top of the page that reads: Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabled.

Stackoverflow Homepage with JavaScript disabled.

codemouse92 profile image
Jason C. McDonald

How about DuckDuckGo? :)

ziizium profile image
Habdul Hazeez

When JavaScript is enabled the search results for DuckDuckGo are displayed with infinite scrolling, if there is no JavaScript, you get paginated results with Next and Previous buttons.

For the Home Page, the difference is really noticeable.

DuckDuckGo with JavaScript

DuckDuckGo with JavaScript enabled

DuckDuckGo without JavaScript

DuckDuckGo with JavaScript disabled

codemouse92 profile image
Jason C. McDonald

P.S. If you prefer the second but do have JS enabled, use instead. :)

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ziizium profile image
Habdul Hazeez

I just noticed that the layout of is similar to the layout when JavaScript is disabled.

Thank you.

mmaitoza profile image
Michael Maitoza

Interesting. I just built a site and I think I will need to revisit this because it does rely on JavaScript for a few key components.

sanderdebr profile image

Very interesting

denom profile image

The beautiful and useful ❤️

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