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Developing an Airbnb Clone using Laravel Framework

Building a complex property booking application requires strong planning and development. In this blog, we'll discuss how to create an Airbnb clone script from scratch using Laravel PHP framework. Laravel provides robust MVC architecture and features required for such projects.

We'll go through setting up the environment, creating the database schema, building authentication/authorization, developing the backend API, creating frontend views, implementing core features like listings, searches, payments etc. We'll also explain additional modules, performance optimization, security and deployment.

Setting Up Laravel Environment

Ensure PHP 7.2+, PDO, openssl etc extensions are installed. Install Composer globally:

curl -sS | php

Create a Laravel project:

composer create-project laravel/laravel airbnb-clone

Configure database credentials in .env:


Generate app key:
php artisan key:generate

Add HomeController and route:

`// HomeController.php

public function index() {
return view('home');

Database Schema

Define database tables for core functionality using migrations:
`// create_listings_table.php

Schema::create('listings', function (Blueprint $table) {

// other fields


Define relationships:
`// Listing.php

public function reservations() {
return $this->hasMany(Reservation::class);

`// Reservation.php

public function listing() {
return $this->belongsTo(Listing::class);

Seed tables with seeders:

`// ListingTableSeeder.php

public function run() {

'title' => 'Cozy Cottage',
// other fields

// other listings


Authentication System

Add authentication routes:
`// web.php


Generate controllers:
php artisan make:controller AuthController
php artisan make:controller RegisterController

Define routes:
`// web.php

Route::get('register', 'RegisterController@create');
Route::post('register', 'RegisterController@store');

Route::get('login', 'AuthController@showLoginForm');

Route::post('login', 'AuthController@login');`

Create form views:
`<!-- resources/views/auth/register.blade.php -->


value="{{ old('name') }}"



Backend API

Generate Api controllers:
php artisan make:controller Api/ListingController
php artisan make:controller Api/BookingController

Define routes:
`// api.php

Route::get('/listings', 'Api\ListingController@index');
Route::post('/listings', 'Api\ListingController@store');

Route::get('/bookings', 'Api\BookingController@index');`

Get all listings:
`// ListingController.php

public function index() {

return Listing::all();


Create booking:

`// BookingController.php

public function store() {

$booking = Booking::create([
'listing_id' => request('listing_id'),
'guest_id' => auth()->id()

return response()->json($booking);


Frontend Views

Create a layout blade:
// resources/views/layouts/app.blade.php

Include Navbar, footer etc.

Display listings on homepage:

`// HomeController@index

$listings = Listing::all();

return view('home', ['listings' => $listings]);`

`<!-- home.blade.php -->

@foreach($listings as $listing)

{{ $listing->title }}


Show listing details:

`// ListingController@show

$listing = Listing::find($id);

return view('')->withListing($listing);`

`<!-- listings/show.blade.php -->

{{ $listing->title }}

{{ $listing->description }}

` ## User Profile & Listings Generate profile controller: `php artisan make:controller ProfileController` Display profile: `// ProfileController@show $user = Auth::user(); return view('')->withUser($user);` `

My Profile

Name: {{ $user->name }}

` `

My Listings

@foreach($user->listings as $listing)

{{ $listing->title }}


Payments Integration

Install Cashier package:
composer require laravel/cashier

Migrate Cashier tables:
php artisan migrate

Define Billable trait on User model:
`// User.php

use Billable;


protected $guarded = [];`

Generate charges:
`// BookingController@store

$charge = Auth::user()->charge(100);

// create booking`

Display Stripe Elements for payment:

`<!-- bookings/create.blade.php -->

Pay {{ $total }}


Additional Features

Create messaging system:

`// MessageController methods

public function index() {
// get thread

public function store() {
// save message

Reviews System

Generate reviews and ratings functionality:
php artisan make:request ReviewRequest
php artisan make:controller ReviewController

Add review form:
`<!-- listings/show.blade.php -->


<!-- etc -->

Submit Review


Admin Panel

Generate admin dashboard blade:

php artisan make:view dashboard

Restrict access:
`// AdminController@index

if(!Auth::user()->isAdmin()) {

return view('admin.dashboard');`

Show listings, bookings tables:
`<!-- dashboard.blade.php -->

@foreach(Bookings::all() as $booking)

  <!-- display fields --> 


Title Guest Date


Setup staging/production servers on Forge/AWS:
forge project:create

Configure databases, queues, mail services.

Configure deployment via Git:
forge git:receive

Set up continuous integration using Github Actions:

`# .github/workflows/deploy.yml

name: Deploy

- main

runs-on: ubuntu-latest


  • uses: actions/checkout@v2
  • run: git pull origin main
  • run: composer install --no-dev --optimize-autoloader
  • run: php artisan migrate --force
  • run: php artisan queue:restart
  • run: vendor/bin/phpunit`
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


In conclusion, we discussed how to develop a full-fledged Airbnb clone application from scratch using the Laravel PHP framework. Laravel provides robust tools for building large scale database-driven apps like property booking platforms. You can also checkout prebuilt script like

With careful planning of architecture and usage of core Laravel features like Eloquent ORM, we built out crucial components around user authentication, API backend, frontend views, payments integration and more. This covers the steps to develop and deploy a commercial-grade clone app for a SaaS business.

Top comments (1)

sreno77 profile image
Scott Reno

You mentioned PHP 7.2 but 8.0 is now end of life. Maybe update it to be PHP 8.2+