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My Journey to the Vast World of Text Editors

Zorex Salvo on July 01, 2017

Let’s start with the text editors that I used since the beginning of my programming journey. The very first language that I learned is C, that was...
sanguine8082 profile image
Aaron Pfalzgraf

I've been using VSCode with the Vim plugin.

Slowly but surely with my handy-dandy Vim Command cheat sheet and Stackoverflow, I'm beginning to see the light.

I personally love VSCode, the extensibility (is that a word?) provided by plugins, open source, and the community support. I just discovered the Code Spellchecker and AsciiDoc extensions, which are helping me greatly with my technical writing.

perrydbucs profile image
Perry Donham

I understand the appeal of Sublime as a text editor. In the courses I teach, though, I watch students struggle when it comes time to debug their apps in Sublime (mainly MEAN stack, some Ruby/Rails, some Python/Flask). I recommend the JetBrains family of IDEs (which are free for students) but there's usually a handful who for some reason prefer a text editor.

Integrated development environments are named that for a reason...the integration takes care of most the effort involved in building and debugging apps.

maxart2501 profile image
Massimo Artizzu

If the description says correctly, you're 21 and you've already developed some issues with your wrist.

The fact that you're now using Vim will undoubtedly help you out, but what you'll really need is to fix that problem on your hand.

Good luck!

610yesnolovely profile image
Harvey Thompson

Which ever editor you chose here are a couple of things that it should have:

  • HOKNOM - Hands On Keyboard Never On Mouse (I just made this up)
    ** Cursor, scrolling movement should be keyboard controlled.
    ** Cursor arrow keys are not as great because you have to move your hands.
    ** Vi solves this by changing mode between edit and movement.
    ** Emacs "solves" this by using Ctrl as a temporary movement switch (though b, n, p, f not h, j, k, l)
    *** For emacs, remapping Caps Lock to Ctrl may help reduce pinky fatigue.

  • Edit multiple files in multiple windows on screen
    ** Switching windows should be keyboard based

  • Platform agnostic

  • Programming language agnostic

  • Programmable (hopefully inside the editor with a REPL)

  • Encoding agnostic (should be able to handle UTF-8, UTF-16, DOS or Unix even binary/hex edit)

  • Ability to run builds / make / etc.

  • Ability to run shell commands as one-offs

  • Ability to run shell (or other interactive programs) in editor

  • Syntax highlighting

  • Auto-identation

  • Bonus: Completion / Intellisense-like abilities

If at all possible, live with your editor choice FOREVER (I chose an editor 27 years ago - might be Vi, might be Emacs, not saying 'cos that's not the point here)

nsvoid profile image
(Null Static Void)

I was a huge Komodo fan for a long time, but the latest bugs and crashes have me jumping to Atom. Which is not as powerful as some IDEs out there. But is very easy on the eyes, integrates with git, and so far seems immune to whatever problems that Sierra caused for Komodo.

olsfer profile image
Oswaldo Ferreira • Edited

Don't want to confuse you, but is also something you should try. You get emacs which is a pretty decent "OS", bundled with "evil-mode" (which enables VIM commands on emacs) and everything else out of the box.

Have tried all the options you mentioned, sticked with spacemacs.

Take a quick look on to see the capabilities of this :)

luizcavalcanti profile image
Luiz Carlos Cavalcanti

Your first C editor was likely TurboC by Borland or something very similar.

zorexsalvo profile image
Zorex Salvo

Yeahh "Borland" rings a bell. Thank you Luiz :)

kouvero profile image

Definitely check out e.g. the Vimium extension for Chrome, especially if you're having mouse hand issues.

moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

If your internship was with a startup that wanted to avoid paying license fees, why did they give you Sublime, which costs $80? It seems an odd choice, given that if they wanted to make you feel at home in an IDE there were plenty of free options around at the time (like gedit for example)

sanguine8082 profile image
Aaron Pfalzgraf

VSCode is also built on Electron, but I've noticed it is noticeably faster than Atom, but still slower than Sublime.

ramolec profile image
Marcelo Araujo


What theme are you using in elementary?

Nice article

zorexsalvo profile image
Zorex Salvo • Edited

Thanks! I'm using OSX-Arc-White and paper mono dark for the icons :)

xiaohuoni profile image


maestromac profile image
Mac Siri

Keep using Vim! It is so worth it to be proficient at it.

vgrovestine profile image
Vincent Grovestine

Wrt wrist strain from mouse use, try a trackball instead. Logitech M570 (thumb ball) and Trackman Marble did wonders for my own repetitive stress pain.

putopavel profile image
Pavel Razgovorov

Jetbrains for the win. There's no IDE that makes me more productive than IDEA/WebStorm/PhpStorm 😀