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My Fight with Procrastination

After the beginning of my Phase 1 Project week I was so excited to start coding. I was full of motivation and energy. But as soon as I hit the first serious bug that I couldn’t fix my desire to code started to fade away…and soon enough I’ve started to procrastinate.

In this post I will share the tricks I used to make myself work on the project and code.

First of all, procrastination, in psychology, means a person's tendency to constantly put things off for later. In a mild form, it does not harm and is even considered normal, but as soon as procrastination worsens, it begins to harm (which was my case).

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Most important part was to realize that I’ve actually started to procrastinate. I tried to avoid my laptop, Slack app, and even felt like avoiding my instructors. But when I understood that the deadline is close and I haven’t achieved anything, I started to move. Thus, I highly recommend paying attention to what you do when you have a problem with code.

After starting to code, I still couldn’t make myself to concentrate and actually code the project. It is then I started to think about motivation. I remembered all the reasons why this project is important for me and where it will take me. If work for you is a tool to achieve your goal, remember this more often.

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My motivation gave me a kick start, but it didn’t last for long because the bugs were all over me. I’ve started to self-deprecate and scold. And my mom, who knows nothing about coding asked me to show her what I had done. After I’ve done so, she started to praise what I’ve done already. It is then, I realized that even though I have gaps, there is still a lot of “gain”. So, I felt superior. It is very important to never scold yourself, but rather praise yourself for what you’ve already done. You may even get yourself a gift or something.

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While coding, I noticed that large amount of my time is consumed by social media. I love Instagram and funny memes, but they distracted me so much. So, I’ve turned off everything. IT DIDN’T WORK! I became obsessed with feeling that I’ve missed some important message, post or email and lost my concentration at all. What helped me is using social media as a reward for myself. After an hour of working on project, I gave myself 5 minutes break to scroll the Instagram. Better than nothing… So, don't try to fight the social media as your enemy. Better learn to reward yourself with it.

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A week after, I have finished my project and submitted it! The feeling of joy almost made me think I am superior. I will be using all those simple small methods in my future coming studies and projects.

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Focus on your goals, and start acting now, creating a future you will never regret.

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