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Ben Halpern
Ben Halpern

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Are you an introvert, extrovert, or somewhere in between?

Top comments (71)

jess profile image
Jess Lee • Edited

An introvert that's trying to pick up the skill extroverts possess, so she can turn them on and off when necessary. It works sometimes.

rinsama77 profile image

same here

Sloan, the sloth mascot
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damcosset profile image
Damien Cosset

Introvert. Can't really be around many people for too long. I need my alone time to recharge and rest. I'll party once in a while, but I prefer small groups. I'm not too much into small talk either and I find it very difficult to avoid it in large groups :D

But, I guess to function in a society as an introvert, you have to "act" somewhere in between. I'm going to say our society really prefers extroverts.

Note: Great book about introverts => Quiet: The power of Introverts in a world that can't stop talking by Susan Cain. Just.Read.It!

shiling profile image
Shi Ling

Same here.

Used to think that being introverted is not ok, that there's something wrong with "Ok, I'm tired from being around people", and never really understood what one of my teacher once said that I had a "quiet confidence" either.

It wasn't until I read the book "Quiet" that I learnt that it's alright to be introverted and there's many strengths in being so too. I'd recommend reading it too.

sethmlarson profile image
Seth Michael Larson

Definitely an extrovert. After a long day of being with people I don't feel exhausted and usually want to hang out more ASAP.

I wasn't always this way though! Sometime late in high-school a switch just flicked and suddenly 100% extroverted.

thais profile image
Thais Hamilton


sam_ferree profile image
Sam Ferree

Extrovert... So please leave me alone when I'm coding. I will engage and converse for far too long.

jess profile image
Jess Lee

Ah, awesome. I've been meaning to try that for a while!

johnpaulada profile image
John Paul Ada • Edited

Somewhere in the middle. We're called ambiverts, if that's a real thing. I usually just talk to my "tribe". I rarely go to parties, unless it's mandatory to attend. I like being in the office on weekends just coding away, or watching anime, or playing games by myself. When I need to talk to people, I wear this "hi I can talk to people" persona after counting to five, as per the five second rule.

moe64 profile image

Yes very much describes me. I'm in the middle also. I love talking to people in small settings, but if it's too much social interactions like at conferences, it's draining. I really like being by myself watching anime and playing videogames, but I also like hanging out with close friends.

theminshew profile image
Michael Minshew

I used to have to play in the middle but now that i'm unemployed/self-employed I've realized that I absolutely don't like people 99% of the time. I don't mind occasional meetups and I like the internet or texting where i can control when and where + think about how to respond. I used to think I was more extroverted because I was so at my previous job but i've been home 95% of the time for about 6 months now only seeing my wife and my dog and i've had very little desire to interact with people outside of the occasional internet posts and my mom.

when i stopped caring about what people thought about and realized that if i didn't maintain a relationship most fell away it made things easy. I embrace the 4 am, angry bearded programmer stereotype.

Maybe its because I know that if needed i can play well with others so if its not needed i don't care lol. idk.

rickssss profile image

We are born of the same blood my friend.
(but i shaved my beard because I started to look thoreau)

paulasantamaria profile image
Paula Santamaría

Can I be a circumstantial extrovert? I usually feel confortable around people with the same interests and hobbies as me, so I laugh a lot, tell stories and jokes. But when I know people around me have completely different interests I instantly become an introvert.

nijeesh4all profile image
Nijeesh Joshy

Same here, Really hate when people asks me why i am wearing headphones or reading books when everyone else is talking.

ssommerit profile image
Shawn Sommer

Introvert. But can be functionally extroverted if I need to be.

I can "do" things like customer service or a presentation when needed but it's not my sweet spot. I'm better when I make contact with someone on my terms because I can prepare for the conversation. I can mentally go over what needs to be touched on in the conversation and try to relax my mind a bit and then put on the public face.

I hate the term "professional persona" because it sounds fake to me. It's just my way of keeping my cool if I come under fire for some reason. I've been put on the spot in a meeting with some of the top brass in my company and an important client. The person that was supposed to demo and present for the meeting had another more critical meeting pop up right before we were due to start, I was supposed to be there to field any engineering questions for my team's part of the project (this usually involved answering a small handful of questions about our product's functionality). The bottom dropped out of the meeting when the presenter didn't show. Nobody knew the integration well enough to do the presentation and demo, or at least nobody was willing to volunteer and step in. I ended up doing it, fielding questions and either answering myself, calling out passive participants that knew the answers, or taking notes on the question at hand and letting them know I would get back to them. My heart was pounding in my chest the whole time but I was able to remain calm enough to get through it.

I find that I do better when I have several meetings sort of crammed together than I do if I have to continually switch contexts. I can take a bit of time to recharge before going into more mental tasks.

When I am in my own mental space, I get energized. Over the course of the day, if I have meetings it's like a slow drain (although it can be a lot more draining when meetings go bad, as they sometimes do) on my energy but when I am doing something more internal I seem to gain momentum over time.

I somewhat attribute this to how I grew up. I was an only child in a rural area, meaning I had to find my own entertainment as there weren't many other children that lived near me. I needed to construct some sort of rich internal life to keep myself from being bored all the time. I get uncomfortable in large groups. I prefer quiet.

This is a lot longer than I thought it would be. :)

dkassen profile image
Daniel Kassen • Edited

I’m an intro-extro. I really like my alone time. Playin guitar, gaming on my own. I can go for days like that, although I’ll probably get bored and want to hang with someone. I’m one of the more talkative ones at work, and I’m always down to hang out after quittin’ time.

peiche profile image


I loathe people when I'm around them, and I get lonely when I'm by myself.

joshichinmay profile image
Chinmay Joshi


thadevelyouknow profile image

hahaha same

chrisvasqm profile image
Christian Vasquez

Was a 100% introvert before college, now I'm more like an ambivert (the somewhere in between).

kylegalbraith profile image
Kyle Galbraith

I think I am more an introvert than an extrovert. I can be a social person and enjoy being around people but I have to do it in spurts. I need my alone time to watch some tv, netflix, or just read a book.

theoriginalbpc profile image
Sarah Dye

I'm an introvert. I need moments to recharge and I like small groups vs large groups. I have social anxiety so I often second guess conversations I have with people so I am uber careful what I say to others.

I've gotten better managing my social anxiety and try being more extrovert these days, but I still have some of my introvert tendencies which I'm fine with.