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Using Regular Expressions(RegExp) in Dart/Flutter


Creating RegExp Patterns
Character Groups \d, \w, \s, \D, \W, \S, .
Character Range [], [^]
Repeating and Optional Characters *, +, ?, {i,j}
Grouping Subexpressions ()
Choice Patterns |
Word and String Boundaries \b, ^, $
Named Group Subexpressions (?<>)
Parameters in creating RegExp patterns (multiline, caseSensitive, unicode, dotAll)
Escaping Special Characters
Greedy Matching
Methods for RegExp and String
Examples of Regular Expressions and Functions


Regular expressions are patterns used to match character combinations in strings. Regular expressions are ubiquitous in most programming languages, if you understand it in one you may easily be able to apply it to other languages. That said, there may be some differences in syntax.
In dart, they come in the form of the RegExp class.

Creating RegExp Patterns

RegExp regExp = RegExp(r'hello');
// hasMatch checks if a pattern matches a string, returns bool
regExp.hasMatch('hello'); // true 
regExp.hasMatch('hello John'); // true
regExp.hasMatch('hello Amit'); // true
regExp.hasMatch('hell no'); // false
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A regular expression is created by using a raw string(a string prefixed by r, e.g r'I am a raw string', r'12345String', etc). For example: RegExp(r'I am a RegExp'), RegExp(r'12345String'), RegExp(r'[0-9]\d+ab99'), etc. A RegExp would match as many characters as possible so long as the pattern is satisfied.

Character Groups \d, \w, \s, \D, \W, \S, .

A character group is a symbol signifying one of many characters in its group, e.g
\d: signifies one of the digits 0 - 9
\w: signifies any alphanumeric character( numbers and letters, a-z, A-Z, 0-9)
\s: Any whitespace character e.g space ' ', tab '\t', newline '\n', etc
\D: This is the opposite of \d, it signifies any character that is not a digit
\W: This is the opposite of \w, it signifies any character that is not alphanumeric
\S: This is the opposite of \s, it signifies any character that is not a whitespace character
.: This signifies any character that is not a newline character( newline character: \n, i.e end of a line )

// `\d`
RegExp digitRegExp = RegExp(r'\d'); // Only matches digits
digitRegExp.hasMatch("I'm on cloud 9"); // true 
digitRegExp.hasMatch("I'm on cloud nine"); // false

// `\w`
RegExp alphaNumericRegExp = RegExp(r'\w'); // Matches any digit or letters 
alphaNumericRegExp.hasMatch("I'm on cloud 9"); // true            
alphaNumericRegExp.hasMatch("I'm on cloud nine"); // true 
alphaNumericRegExp.hasMatch("    \n\t"); // false 

// `\s`
RegExp whitespaceRegExp = RegExp(r'\s'); // Matches any whitespace character ' ', '\t', '\n' 
whitespaceRegExp.hasMatch("I'moncloud9"); // false
whitespaceRegExp.hasMatch("I'moncloudnine"); // false         
whitespaceRegExp.hasMatch("    \n\t"); // true 

// `\D`
RegExp nonDigitRegExp = RegExp(r'\D'); // Matches any character that is not a digit  
nonDigitRegExp.hasMatch("1237854895"); // false
nonDigitRegExp.hasMatch("I'm on cloud nine"); // true         
nonDigitRegExp.hasMatch("    \n\t"); // true 

// `\W`
RegExp nonAlphaNumericRegExp = RegExp(r'\W'); // Matches any character that is not alphanumeric  
nonAlphaNumericRegExp.hasMatch("1237854895"); // false
nonAlphaNumericRegExp.hasMatch("Imoncloudnine"); // false          
nonAlphaNumericRegExp.hasMatch("    \n\t"); // true

// `\S`
RegExp nonWhitespaceRegExp = RegExp(r'\S'); // Matches any character that is not a whitespace character  
nonWhitespaceRegExp.hasMatch("1237854895"); // true
nonWhitespaceRegExp.hasMatch("I'm on cloud nine"); // true         
nonWhitespaceRegExp.hasMatch("    \n\t"); // false

// `.`
RegExp dotRegExp = RegExp(r'.'); // Matches any character that is not the newline character (`\n`)  
dotRegExp.hasMatch("1237854895"); // true
dotRegExp.hasMatch("I'm on cloud nine"); // true         
dotRegExp.hasMatch("    \n\t"); // true
dotRegExp.hasMatch("\n"); // false
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Character Range [], [^]

You might also want to create you own character group; you do this by putting all the characters you might want to match in a square bracket([]), e.g RegExp(r'[abfky]'), this will match exactly one of the characters in the bracket(i.e 'a' or 'b' or 'f' or 'k' or 'y').
If the characters you want to include follow each other on the ASCII table, you might use the - character, e.g For a regular expression that matches all digits except '9' as well as the lowercase english alphabet, you would have: RegExp(r'[0-8a-z]')

Also you might want to create a character group that includes only charactersthat are not in the brackets; you do this by adding a caret ('^') before the characters. e.g
RegExp(r'[^abfky]') would only match characters that RegExp(r'[abfky]') would match as false, i.e it would only match letters that are not 'a', 'b', 'f', 'k', 'y'. Also RegExp(r'[^0-8a-z]') would be the exact opposite of RegExp(r'[0-8a-z]')

Example code

RegExp range1 = RegExp(r'[aY]'); // Matches only 'a' or 'Y'
range1.hasMatch('a'); // true
range1.hasMatch('Y'); // true
range1.hasMatch('y'); // false
range1.hasMatch('b'); // false

RegExp range2 = RegExp(r'[^aY]'); // Matches all characters except 'a' or 'Y'
range2.hasMatch('a'); // false
range2.hasMatch('Y'); // false
range2.hasMatch('y'); // true 
range2.hasMatch('b'); // true

RegExp range3 = RegExp(r'[c-f2-5]'); // Matches only one of 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', '2', '3', '4', '5'
range3.hasMatch('b'); // false
range3.hasMatch('f'); // true
range3.hasMatch('4'); // true 

RegExp range4 = RegExp(r'[^c-f2-5]'); // Matches all characters except 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', '2', '3', '4', '5'
range4.hasMatch('b'); // true
range4.hasMatch('f'); // false
range4.hasMatch('4'); // false
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Special characters like ., +, *, ?, {} lose their special meaning in the square brackets and are just like ordinary characters to be matched.

Repeating and Optional Characters *, +, ?, {i,j}, {i}

Optional character ?:
This indicates a character may or may not occur i.e it may occur once or not e.g
You may be trying to match the word 'color' or 'colour', the american and british versions of the word; the letter 'u' is optional. The regular expression that would match either word is RegExp(r'colou?r');

One or more +:
This matches one or more occurrences of a character. e.g
If you are trying to match any number of digits (one or more), the regular expression would be RegExp(r'\d+'), i.e one or more digits

Zero or more *:
This indicates zero or more occurrences of a character. e.g RegExp(r'\w*') would match none or more alphanumeric characters.

Precise range {i,j}:
This is useful when trying to match characters occurring between a particular range, e.g for between 8 and 15 digits the regular expression would be RegExp(r'\d{8,15}'), the minimum number of occurrences is first and the maximum second (both inclusive). Do not put a space anywhere in the curly braces

Open-ended range {i,}
This is useful to match characters occurring i or more times e.g. RegExp(r'\d{10,}') would match 10 or more digits.

Precise number {i}:
This is useful when trying to match a particular number of occurrences, e.g if you are trying to match 10 digis, let's say for a phone number, the regular expression would be RegExp(r'\d{10}')

Sample Code

RegExp optional = RegExp(r'flavou?r'); // matches 'flavour' or 'flavor' 
optional.hasMatch('flavour'); // true
optional.hasMatch('flavor'); // true
optional.hasMatch('flavr'); // false

RegExp oneOrMore = RegExp(r'hi+'); // matches 'hi' or 'hii' or 'hiii'...
oneOrMore.hasMatch('hiiii'); // true
oneOrMore.hasMatch('h'); // false

RegExp zeroOrMore = RegExp(r'Sample\d*'); // matches 'Sample', 'Sample1', 'Sample21', 'Sample456',...
zeroOrMore.hasMatch('Sample'); // true
zeroOrMore.hasMatch('Sample468'); // true
zeroOrMore.hasMatch('Sampld'); // false

RegExp range = RegExp(r'\d{2,4}'); // matches two, three or four digits, e.g '12', '458', '7857'
range.hasMatch('457'); // true
range.hasMatch('4'); // false

RegExp openRange = RegExp(r'\d{5,}'); // matches five or more digits
openRange.hasMatch('4789'); // false
openRange.hasMatch('24789'); // true

RegExp precise = RegExp(r'\w{4}'); // Matches four alphanumeric characters, e.g 'look', 'ball', 'boy1', '2002'
precise.hasMatch('walk'); // true
precise.hasMatch('wal'); // false
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Grouping Subexpressions ()

Grouping subexpressions is done by putting the characters of the subexpression in a parenthesis('()'). Grouping subexpressions have multiple uses, but the most important one is probably the application of repeating and optional characters (the previous subtopic). Instead of repeating one character multiple characters as a group subexpression can be repeated or made optional, e.g RegExp(r'(ha)+') would match 1 or or more occurrences of the subexpression 'ha'.
Sample code

RegExp sub1 = RegExp(r'boo(hoo)*'); // Matches zero or more occurrences of 'hoo', i.e would match 'boo', 'boohoo', 'boohoohoo',...
sub1.hasMatch('boo'); // true
sub1.hasMatch('boohoo'); // true
sub1.hasMatch('boohoohoo'); // true
sub1.hasMatch('hoo'); // false

RegExp sub2 = RegExp(r'What would you( like to)? say'); // ' like to' is optional. This would match 'What would you like to say' and also 'What would you say'
sub2.hasMatch('What would you like to say'); // true
sub2.hasMatch('What would you say') // true
sub2.hasMatch('What you say'); // false

RegExp sub3 = RegExp(r'(Meow ?){3,5}'); // This would match between 3 and 5 occurrences of 'Meow '
sub3.hasMatch('Meow'); // false
sub3.hasMatch('Meow Meow Meow'); // true
sub3.hasMatch('Meow Meow Meow Meow'); // true
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Choice Patterns |

Sometimes you intention might be to match any of a few options of characters or subexpressions; in this case you use the pipe ('|') symbol.
The choice pattern works in a scoped model, i.e the options extend to the scope of the subexpressions or characters. e.g
RegExp(r'pig|chicken|cow') matches one of 'pig', 'chicken' or 'cow'
RegExp(r'1 (pig|chicken|cow)') matches one of '1 pig', '1 chicken' or '1 cow'
RegExp(r'23 animals|1 (pig|chicken|cow)') matches either '23 animals' or one of '1 pig', '1 chicken', '1 cow'

Sample code

RegExp fruit = RegExp(r'orange|banana|pineapple|water melon|apple'); // This would match one of 'orange', 'banana', 'pineapple', 'water melon' and 'apple'

RegExp regExp1 = RegExp(r'1 girl|(2|3|4) girls'); // This would match one of '1 girl', '2 girls', '3 girls', '4 girls'
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Word and String Boundaries \b, ^, '$'

Regular expressions by default finds a match anywhere it first occurs, whether it is at end, beginning or middle of the string, start, middle or end of a word. Deciding where and how a match would occur is the use of word and string boundaries.

Word Boundary \b:
Word boundaries (\b) are placed at the beginning or/and end of words to ensure the match only occurs at the start or/and end of a word in the string. e.g

RegExp word1 = RegExp(r'\bstand\b'); // matches a string that has a separate word 'stand'
word1.hasMatch('I understand'); // false
word1.hasMatch('You have understanding'); // false
word1.hasMatch('I am standing'); // false
word1.hasMatch('I stand'); // true

RegExp word2 = RegExp(r'\bstand'); // matches a string that contains 'stand' at the beginning of a word 

word2.hasMatch('I understand'); // false
word2.hasMatch('You have understanding'); // false
word2.hasMatch('I am standing'); // true
word2.hasMatch('I stand'); // true

RegExp word3 = RegExp(r'stand\b'); // matches a string that contains 'stand' at the end of a word 

word3.hasMatch('I understand'); // true 
word3.hasMatch('You have understanding'); // false
word3.hasMatch('I am standing'); // false 
word3.hasMatch('I stand'); // true
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String boundaries ^, $:
String boundaries indicate that the match occurs at start or end of a string. ^ indicates start of string while $ indicates end of string. e.g

RegExp string1 = RegExp(r'^stand$'); // Matches a string that contains only 'stand'
string1.hasMatch('stand now'); // false
string1.hasMatch('now stand'); // false
string1.hasMatch('stand'); //true

RegExp string2 = RegExp(r'^stand'); // Matches a string that starts with 'stand'
string2.hasMatch('stand now'); // true 
string2.hasMatch('now stand'); // false
string2.hasMatch('stand'); // true

RegExp string3 = RegExp(r'stand$'); // Matches a string that ends with 'stand'
string3.hasMatch('stand now'); // false
string3.hasMatch('now stand'); // true
string3.hasMatch('stand'); // true
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Naming Group Subexpressions (?<>)

This is one of the pecularities of regular expressions in dart. Naming group subexpressions has no effect on what is matched, the essence of this is to be able to access a particular match by name. e.g.

RegExp named = RegExp(r'(?<number>\d+) (?<animal>cat|dog|cow|pig)s?'); // Here there are two named group subexpressions; 'number' and 'animal' ('s' is optional)

// RegExpMatch: regular expression matches, may be null(if no match)
RegExpMatch? match1 = named.firstMatch('5 dogs');
match1?.namedGroup('number'); // '5'
match1?.namedGroup('animal'); // 'dog'

RegExpMatch? match2 = named.firstMatch('10 cats');
match2?.namedGroup('number'); // '10'
match2?.namedGroup('animal'); // 'cat'

RegExpMatch? match3 = named.firstMatch('1 pig');
match3?.namedGroup('number'); // '1'
match3?.namedGroup('animal'); // 'pig'
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Parameters for Creating a RegExp Object (multiLine, caseSensitive, unicode, dotAll)

Before now, we have been creating RegExp objects with only a raw string parameter(RegExp(r'example')), but implicitly, 4 other parameters have been set: multiLine, caseSensitive, unicode and dotAll.
The signature of the default construction of a RegExp construction is:
RegExp(String source, {bool multiLine = false, bool caseSensitive = true, bool unicode = false, bool dotAll = false});
So when you create a RegExp object: RegExp(r'example'), you get: RegExp(r'example', multiLine: false, caseSensitive: true, unicode: false, dotAll: false).

multiLine parameter, default value: false
When false, the string boundary characters, ^ and $, match the beginning and end of the whole string. When false, ^ and $ match the beginning and end of a line. e.g.

RegExp nonMulti = RegExp(r'end$'); // multiline: false
String testString = 'This is the end\nThis is another line';

nonMulti.hasMatch(testString); // false
multi.hasMatch(testString); // true
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caseSensitive parameter, default value: true
When true, lowercase alphabet characters match only lowercase characters and uppercase characters match only uppercase characters, i.e 'a' would match 'a' and not 'A', 'B' would match 'B' and not 'b', etc;
when false, an alphabet character would match its lowercase and uppercase forms, 'a' would match both 'a' and 'A', 'B' would match both 'b' and 'B', etc.

RegExp sensitive = RegExp(r'This is a pattern'); // caseSensitive: true
RegExp insensitive = RegExp(r'This is a pattern', caseSensitive: false);

sensitive.hasMatch('This Is A Pattern'); // false
insensitive.hasMatch('This Is A Pattern'); // true
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unicode parameter, default value: false
When true, the regular expression becomes unicode-aware,i.e complex unicode patterns like \u{} letters with accent, non-latin characters, emojis can be included in expressions and matched;
when false, the regular expressions only match as basic ASCII characters.

RegExp nonUnicode = RegExp(r'\u{0221}'); // unicode: true
RegExp unicode = RegExp(r'\u{0221}', caseSensitive: false);

nonUnicode.hasMatch('ȡ'); // false
unicode.hasMatch('ȡ'); // true
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dotAll parameter, default value: false
When false, the . character any character except the newline character(\n);
when true, . matches any character including the newline character

RegExp nonDotAll = RegExp(r'^.+$'); // dotAll: false
RegExp dotAll = RegExp(r'^.+$', dotAll: true);
String testString = 'This is the end\nThis is another line';

nonDotAll.hasMatch(testString); // false
dotAll.hasMatch(testString); // true
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Escaping Special Characters

Special characters include \, ^, $, ?, *, +, <, >, [, ], {, }, .. Sometimes you may want to match any of these characters directly, to do that you escape the special meaning of the character by prefixing it with a backslash (\), e.g. to match $, you instead write \$, i.e RegExp(r'\$'), this would match the dollar character('$') in a string.

// This would match a string like a string like '$500.26'
// '\$' escapes the special meaning of end of string and matches '$'
// '\d+' means 1 or more digit characters
// '\.' escapes the special meaning of '.'(matching any string except newline) and matches only '.'
// '\d{2}' means exactly 2 digit characters
RegExp money = RegExp(r'\$\d+\.\d{2}'); 
money.hasMatch('\$10578.43'); // true ('$' is also a special character in dart)
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Greedy Matching

By default, regular expressions matching symbols (+, *, ?, {i,j}) match as many characters as possible, this is called 'greedy matching' e.g. RegExp(r'\w+').hasMatch('Hippotamus') would match the whole string, 'Hippotamus', even though the first letter, 'H', is good enough to satisfy the regular expression. To match as few characters as possible ( to make the match successful ), this is called non-greedy matching, you only need to append the question mark symbol ('?'), to the part of the regular expression you want to match non-greedily e.g RegExp(r'\w+?').hasMatch('Hippotamus') would only match 'H', since that is enough to make the match successful. An example of this is the following code snippet:

String testString = 'Superman45';

final greedy = RegExp(r'^(?<letters>\w+)(?<digits>\d*)$'); // Greedy matching on the 'letters' group subexpression
final greedyMatch = greedy.firstMatch('Superman45');

greedyMatch?.namedGroup('letters'); // 'Superman45' // Matches whole string
greedyMatch?.namedGroup('digits'); // '' // The digits are not extracted

final nonGreedy = RegExp(r'^(?<letters>\w+?)(?<digits>\d*)$'); // Non-greedy matching on the 'letters' group subexpression

final nonGreedyMatch = nonGreedy.firstMatch('Superman45');

nonGreedyMatch?.namedGroup('letters') // 'Superman'
nonGreedyMatch?.namedGroup('digits'); // '45'
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It is useful to intentional about whether you're trying to match as few characters or as many characters as possible. For "as many as possible" use: *, +, {}, ?, and for "as few as possible" use: *?, +?, {}?, ??.

Useful Methods For RegExp and String

RegExp Methods

bool RegExp.hasMatch(String testString) -> This checks whether the regular expression has a match in the testString and returns a bool, true if match exists, false otherwise

RegExp regExp = RegExp(r'love');
regExp.hasMatch('I love you.'); // true
regExp.hasMatch('I hate you'); // false
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signature: RegExpMatch? RegExp.firstMatch(String testString)

This looks for the incident of the first match in the testString and returns it as a RegExpMatch, if no match is found it returns null.

signature: Iterable RegExp.allMatches(String testString, [int startIndex = 0])

allMatches finds all matches in the testString start from the startIndex and returns an iterable of RegExpMatch.(An iterable can be converted into a list by its toList() method)

RegExpMatch (a sub class of Match) results from the firstMatch and allMatches methods of RegExp and you can use it to extract the string of the named group subexpressions in the match as well as index named or unnamed subexpressions as well as the whole match.

If you intend to use firstMatch or allMatches methods to extract named subexpressions you should name group expressions you plan to match using (?<name>) as shown in the section "Naming Group Subexpressions".

RegExp regExp = RegExp(r'(?<record>(?<number>\d+) (?<animal>cat|dog|cow|pig)s?)');
String records = '5 cats, 4 dogs, 9 cows and 15 pigs';

RegExpMatch? firstMatch = regExp.firstMatch(records); // Finds only first match
print(firstMatch?.namedGroup('record')); // '5 cats'
print(firstMatch?.namedGroup('number')); // '5'
print(firstMatch?.namedGroup('animal')); // 'cat'
print(firstMatch?[0]); // '5 cats' (whole match)
print(firstMatch?[1]): // '5 cats' (first subexpression)
print(firstMatch?[2]): // '5' (second subexpression)
print(firstMatch?[3]): // 'cat' (third subexpression)

Iterable<RegExpMatch> allMatches = regExp.allMatches(records); // Finds all matches
for (RegExpMatch match in allMatches) {
    print(match.namedGroup('record')) // '5 cats', '4 dogs', '9 cows', '15 pigs'
    print(match.namedGroup('number')) // '5', '4', '9', '15'
    print(match.namedGroup('animal')) // 'cat', 'dog', 'cow', 'pig'

Iterable<RegExpMatch> allMatchesWithStartIndex = regExp.allMatches(records, 8); // Finds all matches from index 8
for (RegExpMatch match in allMatchesWithStartIndex) {
    print(match.namedGroup('record')) // 4 dogs', '9 cows', '15 pigs'
    print(match.namedGroup('number')) // '4', '9', '15'
    print(match.namedGroup('animal')) // 'dog', 'cow', 'pig'
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RegExpMatch also shares the indexing operation with its superclass Match, index 0 gets the whole match, index 1 gets the first grouped subexpression, index 2 the next and so on in a depth-first-search way. In this there is no need for naming group subexpressions e.g.

RegExp regExp = RegExp(r'\d(\d(\d)(\d))(\d(\d(\d)(\d)))\d');
RegExpMatch? match = regExp.firstMatch('012345678');

print(match?[0]); // '012345678'
print(match?[1]); // '123'
print(match?[2]); // '2'
print(match?[3]); // '3'
print(match?[4]); // '4567'
print(match?[5]); // '567'
print(match?[6]); // '6'
print(match?[7]); // '7'
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String Methods

String replaceFirst(
RegExp pattern,
String replace,
[int startIndex = 0],
This checks the first incident of a match the pattern and replaces it with the replace string.

String originString = 'This is the origin string';
RegExp pattern = RegExp(r'origin'); // Matches the word 'origin'
String replace = 'first';

print(originString.replaceFirst(pattern, replace)); // 'This is the first string'
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String replaceAll(
RegExp pattern,
String replace,
This replaces all matches of the pattern with the replace string.

String originString = 'Almost all information will be lost';
RegExp pattern = RegExp(r'\b\w+\b'); // Matches all words
String replace = 'lost';

print(originString.replaceAll(pattern, replace)); // 'lost lost lost lost lost lost'
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String replaceFirstMapped(
RegExp pattern,
String replace(
Match match
[int startIndex = 0]
This is like the replaceFirst method except instead of a replace String, there is a function that takes a Match object and returns a String

RegExp regExp = RegExp(r'(\w+)\s(\w+)'); // Matches a name
String lastFirst = 'Smith John';
String firstLast = lastFirst.replaceFirstMapped(regExp,
    (Match m) => '${m[2]} ${m[1]}'
print(firstLast); // 'John Smith'
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String replaceAllMapped(
Pattern from,
String replace(
Match match

This is just like the replaceFirstMapped method but instead replaces all occurrences of a match in the String.

RegExp regExp = RegExp(r'(\w+)\s(\w+)'); // Matches a name
String lastFirst = 'Smith John\nNakamura Hikaru\nAdebayo Peter\nMa Long';
String firstLast = lastFirst.replaceAllMapped(regExp,
    (Match m) => '${m[2]} ${m[1]}'
print(firstLast); // 'John Smith\nHikaru Nakamura\nPeter Adebayo\nLong Ma'
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Examples of Regular Expressions And Functions

/// Extracts file extension from string
String? extractExt(String fileName) {
    final pattern = RegExp(r'\.(?<ext>[0-9a-zA-Z]+)$');
    final match = pattern.firstMatch(fileName);
    return match?.namedGroup('ext');
extractExt('verygoodfile.dart'); // 'dart'

/// Validates email string, *non ascii characters are not accepted*
bool isValidEmail(String email) {
    final pattern = RegExp(r'^[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&’*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9-]+)*$');
    return pattern.hasMatch(email.trim());

/// Password is valid if it has an uppercase, lowercase, number, symbol and has at least 8 characters
bool isPasswordValid(String? password) {
    final containsUpperCase = RegExp(r'[A-Z]').hasMatch(password);
    final containsLowerCase = RegExp(r'[a-z]').hasMatch(password);
    final containsNumber = RegExp(r'\d').hasMatch(password);
    final containsSymbols = RegExp(r'[`~!@#$%\^&*\(\)_+\\\-={}\[\]\/.,<>;]').hasMatch(password);
    final hasManyCharacters = RegExp(r'^.{8,128}$', dotAll: true).hasMatch(password); // This is variable

    return containsUpperCase && containsLowerCase && containsNumber && containsSymbols && hasManyCharacters;
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This article was first posted on

If you have any question or feedback on this article, send me a mail at or DM @0xba1 on twitter.

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