Delegates are the type that defines a method signature, and can hold a reference to one or more methods with that signature.
They are often described or called as a Type-Safe function pointers because they allow methods to be passed as a parameter, assigned to variable, or invoke dynamically all while ensuring type-safe..๐
What are the Key Points of the Delegates ๐๏ธ ?
Method Signature : A delegate specifies return type and the parameters of the method it can refer to.
Type-Safe : Delegates ensures that the method they reference has the correct signature.
Multicast : A single delegate can reference multiple methods and invoke them sequentially. This is known as multicast delegate.
Encapsulation : Delegates encapsulates the methods and it's behavior making them useful for defining callback mechanism.
So what is the Syntax of Delegates ?!
// 1. Declare a Delegate..
public delegate void MyDelegate(string message);
// 2. Create a method matching the Delegate's signature
public class Program {
public static void DisplayMessage(string message) {
public static void Main() {
// 3. Instantiate the delegate
MyDelegate del = DisplayMessage;
// 4. Invoke the delegate
del("Hellow, World!");
Let's talk about the common uses !
There are 3 common uses :
- Event Handling
- Callback mechanism
- LINQ and Functional programming
Let's explain them one by one
1- Event Handling : Delegate are the foundation of events in C#, They allow subscribing and unsubscribing to events using methods.
public delegate void Notify();
public class EventExample {
public event Notify OnNotify;
public void TriggerEvent() {
OnNotify?.Invoke(); // Safely invoke the delegates if it has subscribers
2- Callback mechanism : Passing a method to another method to be executed later.
public class Calculator {
public void PerformOperation(int x, int y, Action<int> callback) {
int result = x + y;
public class Program {
public static void Main() {
Calculator calc = new ();
calc.PerformOperation(2, 3, Console.WriteLine); // Pass Console.WriteLine as a Delegate
3- LINQ and Functional Programming : Delegates like Func, Action, Predicate are heavily used in LINQ to define custom logic.
What are the built-in Delegates ??
- Action : Represents method with no return value but with parameters.
Action<string> print = Console.WriteLine;
print("Hello, World!");
- Func : Represents a method with a return value and parameter.
Func<int, int, int> add (x,y) => x + y;
- Predicate : Represents a method that return bool and it takes a single parameter.
Predicate<int> IsEven = x => x % 2 == 0;
Advantages of Delegates
Flexibility => Enables dynamic methods invokation
Loose Coupling => Promotes code extensibility by allowing methods to be assigned dynamically
Reuseability => Encourages creating modular and reuseable code
That's it for now! Keep coding and stay awesome. Catch you later Nerds!
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