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Anjan Karmakar
Anjan Karmakar

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Frontend Development Roadmap for Product-Based Companies πŸ”₯


This roadmap is designed to help you ace the interview and excel as a Frontend Engineer in a product-based company. It covers various topics, from core JavaScript concepts to advanced frameworks and tools used in the industry. Mastering these topics will enhance your skills and make you a valuable asset in the competitive market.

Basic JavaScript Concepts

  1. Data Types: Understand different data types in JavaScript, such as numbers, strings, booleans, objects, arrays, etc.

  2. Functions: Learn about functions, function declarations, expressions, arrow functions, and the concept of higher-order functions.

  3. Scope in JavaScript: Understand the scope of variables, block scope, and lexical scoping.

  4. Closure: Explore closures and their significance in JavaScript.

  5. Event Loop: Learn about the event loop, call stack, and how asynchronous operations work in JavaScript.

  6. Prototype and Prototype Chain: Understand the prototype-based inheritance model in JavaScript.

  7. Class and Inheritance: Learn about ES6 classes, extends, and inheritance in JavaScript.

  8. DOM: Familiarize yourself with Document Object Model manipulation and interaction.

  9. bind/call/apply: Understand the different ways of setting the context of a function in JavaScript.

  10. Promise: Learn about Promises, async/await, and handling asynchronous operations in a structured manner.

  11. WebAPI: Explore various Web APIs, such as DOM manipulation, Fetch API, and others.

  12. Task Queue: Understand how the task queue works and its relationship with the event loop.

  13. Call Stack: Learn about the call stack and its role in executing JavaScript code.

  14. Async/await: Master the usage of async/await for asynchronous operations.

  15. Generators: Explore generator functions and their practical applications.

  16. Typescript: Introduction to TypeScript for static typing and improved tooling in JavaScript.

Basic HTML Concepts

  1. Block Elements: Understand the difference between block and inline elements.

  2. Import: Learn about the import statement and its usage in HTML.

Basic CSS Concepts

  1. Selectors: Master CSS selectors, including class selectors, ID selectors, and pseudo-classes.

  2. Pseudo Classes: Learn about pseudo-classes and how to use them for styling specific states.

  3. Box Model: Understand the CSS box model and its impact on element layout.

  4. Pseudo Elements: Explore pseudo-elements and their role in styling specific parts of an element.

  5. CSS Layout: Learn about CSS layout options, including flexbox and grid.

  6. Centering Elements: Understand different techniques to center elements in CSS.

  7. Media Queries: Master media queries for creating responsive designs.

  8. Pre-processors: Familiarize yourself with SCSS or LESS for more maintainable CSS code.

  9. Mixins: Learn how to use mixins to reuse CSS code across stylesheets.

  10. CSS Constants: Explore the usage of CSS variables for maintaining consistency.

  11. BEM (Block Element Modifier): Understand the BEM methodology for writing scalable and maintainable CSS.

  12. Import: Learn about CSS imports and their role in modular CSS architecture.

Basic Web Concepts

  1. Page Rendering Cycle: Understand the steps involved in rendering a web page.

  2. HTTP/HTTPS/HTTP2: Learn about different protocols and their differences.

  3. CORS: Understand Cross-Origin Resource Sharing and how to handle it.

  4. Local Storage/Session Storage: Learn about browser storage options and their differences.

  5. Cookie: Understand cookies and their usage in web applications.

  6. JWT (JSON Web Tokens): Learn about JWT for secure authentication and authorization.

  7. XHR (XMLHttpRequest): Explore XHR for making AJAX requests.

  8. Micro Frontend: Understand the concept of micro frontends and their advantages.

  9. REST/GraphQL/Socket Connection: Compare different data transfer approaches in web development.

  10. Browser Concepts: Familiarize yourself with browser rendering, layout, and painting.

  11. Debugging Applications: Learn how to debug frontend applications effectively.

  12. Chrome Dev Tool Features: Explore various features of Chrome Developer Tools for debugging and performance optimization.

Advanced JavaScript Concepts

  1. OOPs Concept: Dive deeper into Object-Oriented Programming concepts.

  2. Design Patterns: Study popular design patterns used in JavaScript applications, such as Singleton, Provider, Prototype, Observer, Module, and Higher-Order Components (HOC).

  3. Understanding V8 in Depth: Learn about V8 engine internals, including JIT (Just-In-Time) compiler, interpreter, and execution pipeline.

  4. Currying: Understand the concept of currying and its application in functional programming.

Bonus: ReactJS Concepts

  1. Introduction to JSX: Learn about JSX syntax and its role in React development.

  2. React Component: Understand the core concepts of React components and their lifecycle.

  3. Component State and Props: Learn about state and props in React components.

  4. Adding Style (CSS): Explore various ways to style React components using CSS.

  5. Functional and Class Components: Understand the difference between functional and class components.

  6. React Lifecycle Methods: Master the lifecycle methods of React components.

  7. Virtual DOM: Learn about the Virtual DOM and its efficiency in React applications.

  8. React Hooks: Explore React Hooks for state management and lifecycle methods in functional components.

  9. Custom Hooks: Understand how to create and use custom hooks for reusability.

  10. Context API: Learn about the Context API for managing global state in React applications.

  11. Synthetic Events: Understand React's synthetic event system for handling events efficiently.

  12. Routing: Explore routing options in React applications.

  13. Data Flow (Redux/Flux): Understand data flow patterns like Redux or Flux in React applications.

  14. Server-Side Rendering: Learn about server-side rendering and its benefits.

  15. Unit Testing: Familiarize yourself with unit testing principles.

  16. Jest & React Testing Library: Master testing tools like Jest and React Testing Library.

  17. Mocking Data: Learn how to mock data for testing.

  18. Understanding Webpack (Bundler): Explore Webpack and its role in bundling and optimizing web applications.

  19. Babel, Prettier, Linter: Understand the usage of Babel for transpiling, Prettier for code formatting, and ESLint for code linting.

Remember that the learning journey in frontend development is continuous and evolving. Stay curious, keep practicing, and never stop exploring new technologies and best practices. Good luck in your career as a Frontend Engineer! πŸš€


Special thanks to Shubham Soni who contributed to the creation of this Frontend Development Roadmap

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