DEV Community

Roni Jack Vituli
Roni Jack Vituli

Posted on

How to start to be web developer?

Hello folks, I am a new developer and I really interested about web developer and full stack.
but I’m also a little a bit confusing how to start.

If the order that I write here is okay to do?


When developers start to build they web they start from the design before the logic of the code ?
Or the logic of the web and then the design of the web?

if someone have some article how to start it’s will be great.
And again be a excuse because I am new in this world and this community.

Thanks for your help!

Top comments (3)

pavelkeyzik profile image
Pavel Keyzik

Hey Roni! The order depends on what you love more. Design or writing some logic. Don't try to learn everything at the same time, just take 2 weeks to play with HTML, and CSS and build some website. You can take some free design template and try to build website using HTML and CSS. The only way to learn HTML and CSS is by practice. After that you can learn JavaScript, and please, learn it before React. If you want to be Back-end developer, Node.js is good choice, as it's JavaScript and it will be easy to start. Mongo is great and try PostgreSQL as well, as a lot of people use it.

pavelkeyzik profile image
Pavel Keyzik

Let me know if you want to know something else

pavelkeyzik profile image
Pavel Keyzik

It's easier to write some logic first and then design, but it really depends. Because sometimes you may feal like you want to do some design stuff and after that you know where to keep your logic.