Hello folks, I am a new developer and I really interested about web developer and full stack.
but I’m also a little a bit confusing how to start.
If the order that I write here is okay to do?
When developers start to build they web they start from the design before the logic of the code ?
Or the logic of the web and then the design of the web?
if someone have some article how to start it’s will be great.
And again be a excuse because I am new in this world and this community.
Thanks for your help!!
Top comments (4)
Glad you made the decison to finally take the leap and join the league of amazing mind and solutionists. You might want to start with basic web markup i.e Html and CSS and then go further from there.
However, you are not alone, you might want to use this free open source repo from Microsoft which I used. It follows exactly the timeline you just listed.
Let me know if you need further help.
All the best!
Thank you !!
Visit developer.mozilla.org
It covers HTML, CSS, Javascript, DOM, Web APIs. It also covers introduction to client-side as well as server-side frameworks like Node.js.
Experts, experienced developers, including official docs of popular frameworks/libraries like React, Angular, Vue, Node.js refer to this website for anyone who wants to learn certain topics in more detail or as a reference.
Im curious what you mean by design, ui design, ux design, software design/architecture, graphic design. All perfectly valid answers :)
Also I wouldn't pin down specific tech other than html, css, JavaScript yet, you'll find what you like as you go. Also I've found js as a backend to be a lot more trouble than it needs to be, so don't jump on node just because it's also js. A lot of c-like languages exist and once you get the hang of JavaScript you'll be able to read all of them. Maybe not write, or understand 100%, but definitely get the essentials of what is going on. I went to dot net and C# and it has served me well, despite being a C++ guy by education.