I tend to think of the heart as "default showing love", hands for extra affection on top, and unicorn as sort of an "throwing some weird love your way"
Thinking face, for me, is "this made me think", but I also think it's allowed for "I don't really agree with this". It's not a "positive" emoji per se, but we didn't include poop because we don't need to be shitting on each other.
We have plans to open up the reactions section so that you can pick from a bigger drop down and the four most used for the post will be displayed. This is inspired by how Slack does it. The list of possible emojis will still be closed, e.g. no poop or middle finger, but it will grow over time and will not be limited to "emojis". We hope to eventually have the party parrot play a bigger role on the site.
By the way, as we grow the platform, these kinds of meta posts are really important because they get to the nuance of the platform, so thanks a lot for making it.
We hope to eventually have the party parrot play a bigger role on the site.
This is incredibly exciting news.
On a slightly more serious note, I am a fan of how positive everyone is on this site, and I shouldn't be surprised that this is being baked into the platform itself. Keep up the great work Ben, Jess, and the rest of the team!
I like the "no poop or middle finger" guideline. People need to express themselves, and people need constructive feedback. I tend to think of it as a "don't tell me I suck, tell me how I can [strike]suck less[/strike] improve" thing.
In my queue, I have a post about creating a podcast based on a Jekyll site. When I manage to allocate the time to write it (both on my blog and here), I'll be happy to receive no "poop"s in response to it. :)
// , “It is not so important to be serious as it is to be serious about the important things. The monkey wears an expression of seriousness... but the monkey is serious because he itches."(No/No)
Equal parts higher-ed IT, web dev and support; with a dash of freelance consulting thrown in for good measure. (Oct/19: Seeking change of pace. Not afraid to take a step back in order to move ahead!)
I tend to "heart" posts I like (provided I've logged in - hooray for corporate rules that flush cookies when I exit). I don't think I've clicked any of the others, though I probably should have. Since I've recently added dev.to to my daily list of sites I visit, I'll probably change that soon. In fact, I think I should give you a high-five for bringing it up! :)
Interesting on the cookie flushing thing. I hadn't thought of that case. Seems annoying. Do you have any thoughts about how we could possibly accommodate your situation any better?
Not really. They basically have Firefox set to act like it's incognito, even though it's not. I just have to click the icon to log in to GitHub first, and then everything's cool. I appreciate the question, though - and the thought behind it. :)
// , “It is not so important to be serious as it is to be serious about the important things. The monkey wears an expression of seriousness... but the monkey is serious because he itches."(No/No)
Whenever I read something interesting, I always "heart" it. No matter what. Just as a "thank you for sharing" type of thing.
Never used the thinking face to be honest. "Don't quite agree with that" would be a correct response in my case.
The hands are more of a "PREACH!" statement. Whenever I feel the author made a very important point that really hit home for me. Mostly used on posts about "soft skills", being a good person, things like that.
I think I use the unicorn as a heart + hands + something else on top type of reaction. I don't think I use it very often, but it happens.
I tend to think of the heart as "default showing love", hands for extra affection on top, and unicorn as sort of an "throwing some weird love your way"
Thinking face, for me, is "this made me think", but I also think it's allowed for "I don't really agree with this". It's not a "positive" emoji per se, but we didn't include poop because we don't need to be shitting on each other.
We have plans to open up the reactions section so that you can pick from a bigger drop down and the four most used for the post will be displayed. This is inspired by how Slack does it. The list of possible emojis will still be closed, e.g. no poop or middle finger, but it will grow over time and will not be limited to "emojis". We hope to eventually have the party parrot play a bigger role on the site.
By the way, as we grow the platform, these kinds of meta posts are really important because they get to the nuance of the platform, so thanks a lot for making it.
This is incredibly exciting news.
On a slightly more serious note, I am a fan of how positive everyone is on this site, and I shouldn't be surprised that this is being baked into the platform itself. Keep up the great work Ben, Jess, and the rest of the team!
+1 I also agree!
Like and agree with this comment ^
"(W)e didn't include poop because we don't need to be shitting on each other."
I like the "no poop or middle finger" guideline. People need to express themselves, and people need constructive feedback. I tend to think of it as a "don't tell me I suck, tell me how I can [strike]suck less[/strike] improve" thing.
In my queue, I have a post about creating a podcast based on a Jekyll site. When I manage to allocate the time to write it (both on my blog and here), I'll be happy to receive no "poop"s in response to it. :)
I've been going on the following assumption:
So, Heart < Hands < Unicorn, and the Face stands alone as distinct.
...Which begs the question: Can one select multiple emojii?
Yes, I agree.....
Yes! You can select ALL the emojis. ❤️ 🤔🙌🦄
I tend to "heart" posts I like (provided I've logged in - hooray for corporate rules that flush cookies when I exit). I don't think I've clicked any of the others, though I probably should have. Since I've recently added dev.to to my daily list of sites I visit, I'll probably change that soon. In fact, I think I should give you a high-five for bringing it up! :)
Interesting on the cookie flushing thing. I hadn't thought of that case. Seems annoying. Do you have any thoughts about how we could possibly accommodate your situation any better?
Not really. They basically have Firefox set to act like it's incognito, even though it's not. I just have to click the icon to log in to GitHub first, and then everything's cool. I appreciate the question, though - and the thought behind it. :)
I have thoughts on how we could possibly accommodate that situation.
But I'm trying to avoid Sea Lioning InfoSec stuff on this site until I get a better sense of what's going on.
Whenever I read something interesting, I always "heart" it. No matter what. Just as a "thank you for sharing" type of thing.
Never used the thinking face to be honest. "Don't quite agree with that" would be a correct response in my case.
The hands are more of a "PREACH!" statement. Whenever I feel the author made a very important point that really hit home for me. Mostly used on posts about "soft skills", being a good person, things like that.
I think I use the unicorn as a heart + hands + something else on top type of reaction. I don't think I use it very often, but it happens.
To me the least understood symbol is *hands *
So I really did not dare to choose it.
I came here to understand what the unicorn emoji means after someone reacted to something I wrote with a unicorn. Cool thread!