This article provides a detailed guide on how to configure settings for the following use cases:
- Using tables created in Databricks within Fabric
- Using tables created in Fabric within Databricks
:::note info
This article is part of a four-part series:
1. Overview & Purpose of Interoperability
2. Detailed Configuration of Hub Storage (This Article)
3. Using Tables Created in Fabric within Databricks
4. Using Tables Created in Databricks within Fabric
Preparing Azure Data Lake Gen2 (ADLS2) as the Hub
① Deploy a storage account in Azure Portal as the hub
:::note warn
Enable hierarchical namespace.
② Create a container named 'hub' and a directory named 'ext'
Connecting Fabric to Hub Storage
① Create a Lakehouse
:::note warn
Enable Lakehouse schema (public preview).
② Specify the hub storage in the new schema shortcut of the Lakehouse
From [Tables] in the Lakehouse, click the three-dot menu and select [New Schema Shortcut].
Select [Azure Data Lake Gen2].
Enter the details for creating a new connection.
:::note info
How to check ADLS2 access URL:
You can confirm it from the storage account's [Endpoints] section under 'Data Lake Storage'.
Enable the 'ext' directory and click [Next].
The 'ext' directory is created as an external schema shortcut.
Connecting Databricks to Hub Storage
① Create an access connector for Azure Databricks in the Azure Portal
Follow the steps under "Step 1: Create an Access Connector for Azure Databricks" in the "Use Azure Managed Identity to Access Storage in Unity Catalog" guide, using a system-assigned managed identity.
② Grant the connector access to the hub storage from the Azure Portal
Follow "Step 2: Grant Managed Identity Access to the Storage Account" in the same guide.
③ Create storage credentials in Databricks
Log in to Databricks and navigate to [Catalog] > [+] > [Add Storage Credentials].
Add new storage credentials.
| | Input Value |
|Storage Credentials or Service Credentials| Storage Credentials |
|Credential Name| Any name |
|Access Connector ID| Resource ID of the connector created in step ① (can be confirmed in Azure Portal) |
After creation, click the newly created credential name.
Click [Permissions] > [Grant].
Grant [ALL PRIVILEGES] to necessary users.
:::note info
Reference for steps and required permissions:
Create Storage Credentials for Connecting to Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2
④ Add an external location in Databricks
Log in to Databricks and navigate to [Catalog] > [+] > [Add External Location].
Create a new external location.
| | Input Value |
|External Location Name| Any name |
|URL| abfss://directory-name (hub) @ |
|Storage Credentials| Select the credentials created in step ③ |
:::note info
How to determine the URL:
Refer to the storage account's [Endpoints] section used in step ② of "Connecting Fabric to Hub Storage".
:::note info
Reference for steps and required permissions:
Create an External Location to Connect Cloud Storage to Azure Databricks
Now everything is set up!
Next, let's proceed with the actual interoperability of tables.
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