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daniel campo
daniel campo

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JavaScript for Dummies

Do you feel like you can’t get the hang of JavaScript?

Like you get it but you don’t get it, all at the same time.

like if you see a piece of code you understand, but when its just you and your code editer, you have one of these feelings. 🤷‍♂️

I understand your pain! And we are here together. We will begin with some terminology and basic code to start getting the hang of JavaScript, or JS for short (we like to call our selfs lazy. . . FYI) and build out our skill little steps at a time.

What is Javascript?

Lets start here! we arent going to talk about how some person started the language in 1995 or how in 2012 JS was supported by all the browsers.

   -- what is a browser? -- 
  A browser is the website page you are on now. Its the 
  users(You are the user) web pages he/she interacts with.
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JS renders web browsers to you, the user, but in a cool and dynamic way so when you are pressing buttons to interact with the web pages it does exactly that when you are asking it to do so.


What is to come?!

We will makes this a little series, to consume in short doses to keep you wanting more.

Next time we will learn about:

  • values and variables
  • something called, Data Types
  • and, Basic operators

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