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7 JavaScript Hacks for 2020

Patrick God on January 06, 2020

JavaScript has evolved tremendously and there's almost no way around it. It's good to know one or two hacks that make your developer's life a bit e...
monsieurmechant profile image
Adam Mechant •

Those are features, not hacks 🤨

_patrickgod profile image
Patrick God •

True. Thanks for pointing that out. I just thought, "hacks" sounds nice. ;)

Sloan, the sloth mascot
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ayekpleclemence profile image
Ayekple Clemence •

In article the Styling Console Messages I used

console.log('%cStyling Console Messages', 'color:green; background:#33eeaa; font-size:25px;')

Styling console message is makes debugging easier.

_patrickgod profile image
Patrick God •

Hey Julien,

Thank you. And thank you for the other way of using console.log(). You can even colorize the console with console.log(). It's crazy what you can do nowadays. :D

Take care,

lucis profile image
Lucis •

I think console.log({hero}) is a better way than console.log('hero', hero'). I use it all the time, thought you would like it ;)

Nice post

_patrickgod profile image
Patrick God •

That's great! Thank you! :)

emerson88 profile image
emerson88 •

A good summary of the js features ES5/6. Those are very useful. I liked the part to use filter, map and reduce.


_patrickgod profile image
Patrick God •

Thank you very much. :)

bakercode profile image
Beicker •

This is simply great. Thanks a lot for sharing with us those features. I am a beginner and i only know to use the console for debugging and now It will be easier.

_patrickgod profile image
Patrick God •

Thank you! Glad I could help. :)