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Patrick God
Patrick God

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I started a tutorial series about Blazor WebAssembly - Should I continue?

The title says it all. I started a new tutorial series on how to build a blog with Blazor WebAssembly and published the first video on YouTube.

Here's the first episode:

The thing is, this tutorial series is really spontanous. I've got no script, no preparation, nothing. I just wanted to try something new.

It kinda feels like a livestream to me, because you see me failng (a lot), probably debugging or searching the web for implementations and fixes. So, it's actually like real development work. ;)

Anyways, if you have the time, I'd really like to get your feedback and maybe ideas for future episodes. I don't know if video tutorials like that are useful for you. But if they are, I'd be happy to go on.

My rough plan is to build a blog with token authentication using JSON web tokens, a Web API with Entity Framework and a SQLite database.

So, again, if you like that kind of spontanous tutorials, please tell me. Thanks a lot!

Take care,

Top comments (2)

sixpeteunder profile image

This tutorial is awesome! I, for one am finding it very helpful. I like the amount of detail in the explanations. Waiting for the next ones.

_patrickgod profile image
Patrick God

Thank you very much! The next parts are coming soon. :)