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Laravel sync-drive

Laravel drive sync- multi-structure folder.

Work Flow:-
Root->Parent folder->Workspace folder->Task folder->Task folder files.

$upload_array = ['default-Workplace' => [
'Test1' => [
'0' => "tasklistfiles/2530/tasklist_216190942753.png",
'1' => "tasklistfiles/2530/tasklist_516190942791.txt"
'Test2' => [
'0' => "tasklistfiles/2550/tasklist_216190882045.txt"
'Workplace' => [
'Test3' => [
'0' => "tasklistfiles/2533/tasklist_216190942753.png",
'1' => "tasklistfiles/2533/tasklist_516190942791.txt"
'Test4' => [
'0' => "tasklistfiles/2555/tasklist_216190882045.txt"


1- Login into drive(If new user), save the access-token json in DB.
2- Check if access-token active, if not active refresh access token and update JSON in DB.
3- Check if Parent folder exists, if YES - step4, if NO - step5
4- Get Parent folder Id Name, go to-step6
5- Create Parent folder, get folder Id Name, go to-step6
6- Get folder List, Check if Workspace folder exists, if YES - step7, if NO - step8
7- Get Workspace folder id Name, go to-step9
8- Create Workspace folder, get folder Id Name, go to-step9
9- Get folder List, Check if Task folder exists, if YES - step10, if NO - step11
10- Get Task folder id Name, go to-step12
11- Create Task folder, get folder Id Name, go to-step12
12- Get File List, Check if Task file exist, if YES - step13, if NO- (msg-uploaded previously)
13- Upload file in a specific folder

  • If while checking folder/file exists or not if function return empty array then create and make specific upload will be the starting phase.


  • Constructor:-
        public $gClient;
        public function __construct(){
            $google_redirect_url = route('glogin');
            $this->gClient = new \Google_Client();
        } ```

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*Google Login :-

public function googleLogin(Request $request)  {
        $google_oauthV2 = new \Google_Service_Oauth2($this->gClient);
        if ($request->get('code')){
            $request->session()->put('token', $this->gClient->getAccessToken());
        if ($request->session()->get('token'))
        if ($this->gClient->getAccessToken())
            //For logged in user, get details from google using acces
            $user_id = User::where('email','')->first();
            dd("Successfully authenticated");
        } else
            //For Guest user, get google login url
            $authUrl = $this->gClient->createAuthUrl();
            return redirect()->to($authUrl);
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*Get Parent Id,Name:-

        public function getParentFolder($id){
            $query = "mimeType='application/' and '".$id."' in parents and trashed=false";
            $optParams = [
                'fields' => 'files(id, name)',
                'q' => $query
            $service = new \Google_Service_Drive($this->gClient);
            $user_id = 1;
            $results = $service->files->listFiles($optParams);
            if (count($results->getFiles()) == 0) {
                $parentFolder = 'undefine';
            } else {
                foreach ($results->getFiles() as $file) {
                    //  $file->getID()
                    if($file->getName() == '1-Thing')
                        $parentFolder = array($file->getID(), $file->getName());
                        $parentFolder = 'undefine';
            if($parentFolder == 'undefine'){
                /* create Parent Folder folder */
                $folder = $this->addSubFolder('root','1-Thing');
                $parentFolder = array($folder, '1-Thing');
                return $parentFolder;
                return $parentFolder ;
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*Get Folder List:-

        public function listFolder($id){
        $query = "mimeType='application/' and '".$id."' in parents and trashed=false";
        $optParams = [
            'fields' => 'files(id, name)',
            'q' => $query
        $service = new \Google_Service_Drive($this->gClient);
        $results = $service->files->listFiles($optParams);
        if (count($results->getFiles()) == 0) {
           return [];
        } else {
            foreach ($results->getFiles() as $file) {
                //  $file->getID()
                 $files[] = $file->getName();
            return $files;
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*Get Folder Id:-

        public function getFolderId($id, $folder_name){
        $query = "mimeType='application/' and '".$id."' in parents and trashed=false";
        $optParams = [
            'fields' => 'files(id, name)',
            'q' => $query
        $service = new \Google_Service_Drive($this->gClient);
        $results = $service->files->listFiles($optParams);
        if (count($results->getFiles()) == 0) {
           return [];
        } else {
            foreach ($results->getFiles() as $file) {
                //  $file->getID()
                if($file->getName() == $folder_name)
                        $file = $file->getID();
            return $file;
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*Add Sub-folder:-

        public function addSubFolder($parent_folder_id, $workspace){
        // $parent_folder_id = '17TC7UnSdjPHFApeeBxub2zbgHzcRPF9a';
        $service = new \Google_Service_Drive($this->gClient);
        $folder = new \Google_Service_Drive_DriveFile();
        if( !empty( $parent_folder_id ) ){
            $folder->setParents( [ $parent_folder_id ] );        
        $result = $service->files->create( $folder );
        $folder_id = null;
        if( isset( $result['id'] ) && !empty( $result['id'] ) ){
            $folder_id = $result['id'];
        $sub_folder_id = $folder_id;
        return $sub_folder_id;
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*Get File List:-

        public function listFile($id){
        $parameters['q'] = "mimeType='application/' and '".$id."' in parents and trashed=false";
        $service = new \Google_Service_Drive($this->gClient);
        $files = $service->files->listFiles($parameters);
        $file_list= [];
        foreach( $files as $k => $file ){
            $sub_files = $service->files->listFiles(array('q' => "'{$file['id']}' in parents and trashed=false"));
            foreach( $sub_files as $kk => $sub_file ) {
                $file_list[] = $sub_file['name'];
            return $file_list;

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*Upload File:-

public function uploadFile($tasklist_folder_id, $file_path)
        //  upload file code
        $file_name = explode("/",$file_path);
            $file = new \Google_Service_Drive_DriveFile(array(
                            'name' => $file_name[2],
                            'parents' => array($tasklist_folder_id)
            $service = new \Google_Service_Drive($this->gClient);
            $result = $service->files->create($file, array(
              'data' => file_get_contents(public_path($file_path)),
              'mimeType' => 'application/octet-stream',
              'uploadType' => 'media'
            // get url of uploaded file
           return $result;
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*Main Function:-

public function uploadFileUsingAccessToken(){
    $upload_array = ['Workplace' => [
        'Test1' => [
            '0' => "tasklistfiles/2530/tasklist_216190942753.png",
            '1' => "tasklistfiles/2530/tasklist_516190942791.txt"
        'Test2' => [
            '0' => "tasklistfiles/2550/tasklist_216190882045.txt"

    $user_id = User::where('email','')->first();
    $service = new \Google_Service_Drive($this->gClient);
    /* Refresh login token */
    if ($this->gClient->isAccessTokenExpired()) {
        $refreshTokenSaved = $this->gClient->getRefreshToken();
        $updatedAccessToken = $this->gClient->getAccessToken();
        $updatedAccessToken['refresh_token'] = $refreshTokenSaved;
        $updatedAccessToken = $user->update($updatedAccessToken);
        $updatedAccessToken = $user->access_token;
    /*End Refresh login token */
    /*Check if folder exsist or not if not then create*/
    /* Parent folder name and id **/
    $oneThingFolder = $this->getOneThingFolder('root');
        if($oneThingFolder[1] == '1-Thing')
            // Get 1-thing folder id   
            $onething_folder_id = $oneThingFolder[0];//$this->getParentId('root');//1Kbfoaq_2bn6G4uHWOZO13Q96IbNvyBvZ
            /* Add workspace */
                /* Get list of folders(workspace) within 1-thing folder */
                $listFolder = $this->listFolder($onething_folder_id);
                if($listFolder == []){
                    foreach($upload_array as $item =>$key){
                        $workspace_folder_name = $item;
                $workspace = $this->addSubFolder($onething_folder_id, $workspace_folder_name);
                $listFolder = $this->listFolder($onething_folder_id);
        /* check and upload */
            foreach($upload_array as $item =>$key){
                $workspace_folder_name = $item;
                // *check if worplace folder exsist */
                if(in_array($workspace_folder_name, $listFolder))
                    // Get folder id
                        $workspace_folder_id = $this->getFolderId($onething_folder_id,$workspace_folder_name);
                        foreach( $key as $list => $file_key)
                            $tasklist_folder_name = $list;
                            echo "<pre>";
                            /* check if folder exsist */
                            $task_list_folder = $this->listFolder($workspace_folder_id);
                            if($task_list_folder == []){
                                $task_folder_id = $this->addSubFolder($workspace_folder_id, $tasklist_folder_name);
                                $task_folder_id = $this->getFolderId($workspace_folder_id,$tasklist_folder_name);
                                // *check if task folder exsist */
                                if(in_array($tasklist_folder_name, $task_list_folder))
                                    // Get folder id
                                    $task_folder_id = $this->getFolderId($workspace_folder_id,$tasklist_folder_name);
                                    // break;
                                    /* Create task folder */
                                    $task_folder_id = $this->addSubFolder($workspace_folder_id, $tasklist_folder_name);
                                    $task_folder_id = $this->getFolderId($workspace_folder_id,$tasklist_folder_name);
                                    // break;


                            /* Upload file in task folder */
                            foreach($file_key as $task_data){
                                $tasklist_folder_path = $task_data;
                                $tasklist_folder_name = explode("/",$tasklist_folder_path);

                                // * Check if file exsist before upload (No duplicate file)*/
                                $task_files = $this->listFile($workspace_folder_id);
                                echo "<pre>";
                                if($task_files == [])
                                    if(in_array($tasklist_folder_name[2], $task_files)){
                                        echo "<pre>";
                                        print_r("Uploaded previously..!!");
                                    // $task_id = $this->uploadFile($task_folder_id, $tasklist_folder_path);
                                        echo "<pre>";
                                        $task_id = $this->uploadFile($task_folder_id, $tasklist_folder_path);
                                    if(in_array($tasklist_folder_name[2], $task_files)){
                                        echo "<pre>";
                                        print_r("Uploaded previously..!!");
                                    // $task_id = $this->uploadFile($task_folder_id, $tasklist_folder_path);
                                        echo "<pre>";
                                            $task_id = $this->uploadFile($task_folder_id, $tasklist_folder_path);

                    return("1.2 something went wrong..!!");
                return("1.1 something went wrong..!!");
            return("1.0 something went wrong..!!");



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GitHub repo:-


git clone

"require": {
    "google/apiclient": "2.0.*"
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Getting your Client ID and Secret



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