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Abdeladim Basraoui
Abdeladim Basraoui

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Label you Emails with Google App script

when you have 5000 emails in your inbox

it happens some times when your really busy and you've subside to many news letters or web sites that provide daily notifications (e.g LinkedIn...)
To manage the messages can be little time consuming special if you open your inbox in the early morning ,trust me 🙃️

So one day I've checked my email to find that I've 5000 emails in my inbox from resources as I said previously (LinkedIn,Google Scholar..) and others.

In order to manage those as a first non consuming time is I'v e used App script,

github star gif image

that was useful for me and others so I decide to publish it, in order to publish more usable script give it a star

here is the code

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