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Abdeldjalil Hachimi
Abdeldjalil Hachimi

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How to use Google Maps Places Autocomplete with React JS

Hello everyone, I hope you are doing.
today I would like to explain how to use google maps places autocomplete without any libraries or npm's packages and headache πŸ˜‚ so that let's get started

Setup and Installing React JS

let's do it very quick just follow the steps I suppose you have some background how to do so

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the first thing you have to do in index.html after setup the project is that

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8" />
    <link rel="icon" type="image/svg+xml" href="/vite.svg" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
    <title> React js with Google Map AutoComplete </title>
    <div id="root"></div>
    <script type="module" src="/src/main.jsx"></script>

**    <script

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after that create a component for Map using the library @react-google-maps/api

import React, { useState, useCallback } from 'react'
import { GoogleMap, Marker, useJsApiLoader } from '@react-google-maps/api'

const mapStyle = { 
    height: '300px', 
    width: '100%'

const Map = () => {
    const DEFAULT_ZOOM = 5
    const { isLoaded } = useJsApiLoader({
        id: 'google-map-script',
        googleMapsApiKey: "your-api-key"

    const [map, setMap] = React.useState(null)
    const [markerPosition, setMarkerPosition] = useState({
        lat: 28.0289837,
        lng: 1.6666663,

    const [defaultLocation, setDefaultLocation] = useState({
        lat: 28.0289837,
        lng: 1.6666663,

    const onLoad = useCallback((map)=> {
        const bounds = new{
            lat: 28.0289837,
            lng: 1.6666663,
      }, [])

      const onUnmount = useCallback(() =>{
      }, [])

    const handelClickOnMap  = ()=> {

  return (
        isLoaded ? (
           <Marker position={markerPosition} />
        ) : <></>

export default Map

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after that import Map component in App.jsx file
and now let's create our input for search for places with autocomplete (suggestion places)

    import { useRef, useState } from 'react'
import MapView from './components/Map'

function App() {

  const inputRef = useRef()
  const inputStyle= {
    boxShadow: 'inset 0 0 10px #eee !important',
    border: '2px solid #eee',
    width: '456px',
    height: '40px',
    marginLeft: '16px',
    borderRadius: '20px',
    fontWeight: '300 !important',
    outline: 'none',
    padding: '10px 20px',
    marginBottom: '10px',

  const autoComplete = new

  autoComplete.addListener('place_changed', () => {
    const place = autoComplete.getPlace()
    if (!place.geometry || !place.geometry.location) {
      // User entered the name of a Place that was not suggested and
      // pressed the Enter key, or the Place Details request failed.
        alert("this location not available")
    if (place.geometry.viewport || place.geometry.location) {
        // do something
  return (
    <div className="App">
        <label >Location</label>
          placeholder='type your location'

export default App

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and voila here it is the result 😁

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Finally, Thank you for reading this post I will glad to hear your feedback.

Github repo for code source

Top comments (7)

boira profile image


thank you for your post, this has saved me many hours of work!

I have copy-pasted your code and it seems to be working fine, but I can see that too many requests are send when I type someting in the autocomplete imput:

For example, if I want to find "fuente" (fountain, in Spanish), I type an F, then a U, then a E etc... Only with 4-5 characters I can see 150 requests to the API. Do you know how to fix that?


abdeldjalilhachimi profile image
Abdeldjalil Hachimi

@boira Well in this case you can use debounce to delay sending a request when the user typing and that's it

boira profile image


and how can I use that? I haven't found any parameter or way to add that in your example or in the repo.

Thank you very much for your help :-)

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abdeldjalilhachimi profile image
Abdeldjalil Hachimi

well first of all
install debounce ==> npm install debounce
and users like this in code
import debounce from 'debounce';
const handlePlaceChanged = debounce(() => {
const place = autoComplete.getPlace();
if (!place.geometry || !place.geometry.location) {
/// do some stuff based on what you want
if (place.geometry.viewport || place.geometry.location) {
// do something
}, 500); // Adjust the delay (in milliseconds) according to your needs

autoComplete.addListener('place_changed', handlePlaceChanged);

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boira profile image


I see, thanks :-).

I will try this approach and see. Nevertheless, I think that the problem is not appearing when getting the place details, but when users types things in the autocomplete input.

Eerytime that a user types a character in the input, many (20, 50...) requests to are sent. After those requests, I can see the options to choose and when I click one of them the call to PlaceService.GetPlaceDetails (only one, this is good) is done.

I'll test this approach and investigate deeper. I am a backend developer so React is being a bit hard to understand. But I am very pleased with your help and ideas.

Keep in touch!

lu_han profile image

Hello, thanks for this tutorial but I am having a major issue even though I wrote my code exactly as you taught. so after the process, the input field showed on the screen but when I try to search for a place I don't see an auto-complete plus on the map I am just getting a blank view. I also cloned your code from GitHub and I am getting the same issue. I used my google API key so my google API key might be the issue but I can see some errors and warnings in my console, I will paste them here maybe it will help give you a better context of my issue
"InvalidValueError: not an instance of HTMLInputElement"
"Google Maps already loaded outside @googlemaps/js-api-loader.This may result in undesirable behavior as options and script parameters may not match." - this is a warning in my console
"Source map error: No sources are declared in this source map.
Resource URL: localhost:5173/node_modules/.vite/...
Source Map URL:" - another warning in my console
"Source map error: JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data
Resource URL: null
Source Map URL:"

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above is how the map field is showing and it does not display a map

markothedev profile image
Nwokolo Ogechukwu Matthew

same here