DEV Community

Abdulkareem Barghouthi
Abdulkareem Barghouthi

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How i got into software development

Posting this from my phone so pardon me for the formatting. My name is abdulkareem barghouthi and I'm a software development. I never thought i would find such an awesome website such as, so I'm taking the chance to introduce myself here.

A little backstory :
I began university not knowing a thing about the world of software development, i thought that i would actually learn there but it was the exact opposite i got devastated and i thought that the field doesn't fit me. But then a friend of mine introduced me to an online course about full stack web development and damn that was one of the greatest things i have ever done in my life, never thought that software development and web development would be that fun and challenging. I mainly focus now on frontend development and UI design but i also try my best learning backend frameworks (since i know quite well about the fundamentals).

I now work as a web developer mainly with react, react native and some of vuejs, I'm looking forward to explore each and every field of the software lifecycle and implementing them to my other interests such as music and philosophy.

What's your story of getting into software development and do you have any other interest that you'd like to imply software into?

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